Adding no nutes, Seedling soil, and still i get ''The claw''


Well-Known Member
So, i have 2 strains here, both fem. Autoflower. 1 is Ak47 and the other is Amnesia gold. (seeds bought directly in the netherlands)
I germinate them in soil,i put grow them in the little box under fluorescent tubes (t8) 2x 2700k, 2x 6500k each 18w of light. They grow fast and perfect in this little box, high humidity(65% +-), constant temperature 22 celsius , and good ventilation.
As soon as i see roots popping up at the bottom i repot them to their final pot (i know , repotting auto's isn't reccomended but they don't stop growing at all the way i do it). And they go in the bigger growroom under a 250w HPS, with cooltube & big extractor fan to suck out hot air and rapidly refresh the air in the room. But after a few days i noticed, once again that the new growth is not that good anymore. Leaves are very long and pointy, the tips start to yellow and this morning i noticed ''the claw'' on some leaves. The odd thing is that the ak47 is doing this much more than the Amnesia. So it might be genetics? either way, i use seedling soil with very low nutes, i didn't add any nutes so far cause in my previous grow i had definately given too much nutes... when i feel the soil is dry, but not completely dried out i'll water them. i put in like 1l of water, let it sit for 1min, and then i'll add water untill it starts to run out the bottom. then i wait untill it's all drained and put them back in the growroom (this way i hope to avoid dry pockets of dirt)
After hours of searching on the internet and forums, it seems to be N toxicity. but without adding any nutes, and having them grow so vigorously in the first 10days, it seems unlikely to be N toxicity. But what else can it be?
My ph is always between 6.2-6.5, and environmental conditions are always stable....
I hope anyone can help me find the cause for my plants reacting so diffrent. The only thing changing is the humidity and lights.

I hope the pictures are clear enough.

Edit : lights are currently 35cm above the canopy. (250w hps in cooltube)


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Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Have you checked very carefully for bugs? A leaf in your first pic looked suspicious. What are those tiny orange specs???


Well-Known Member
I dont think its nitrogen either,but the dieing tips on some of the new growth say something.You say you havent fed anything and you use a soil with very light nutes.They dont look overwatered from what I can tell,you are probably starting to get deficient.But we dont really know what you are using.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to thank everyone already for responding to my topic.$ And the soil i'm using is realy just very light soil with good drainage and not alot of nutes.don't know the exact nutes cause the bag is already thrown out in the garbage...
I guess i should add some veg nutes for now? maybe some light dose to see if the new growth improves?
I'm using Plagron Terra grow and Terra Bloom.
Terra grow :NPK 3-1-3
Terra Bloom : NPK 2-2-4
the recommended dosage is 5ML / 1L of water (1:200) but i use only 1/4th of this because i've experienced nutrient burn before using 1/2 the dose on every other watering.


Well-Known Member
I think id give a very,very light dose like 200ppm or so of the grow 3-1-3 once and look for changes over the week.

And also raise your light 6 inches.


Well-Known Member
I think id give a very,very light dose like 200ppm or so of the grow 3-1-3 once and look for changes over the week.

And also raise your light 6 inches.
i can't raise the light any more, it's already at max hight... i have very limited growspace...
I'll try adding some nutes as you said. I did water 2 days ago and the soil is still moist, should i wait until it's dried out more so i don't overwater?


Well-Known Member
Another update on the plants health, still 1 more day till i can water so i might aswell put these up. maybe it's more clear now.
I also notice that some of the leaves are starting to appear glossy, and the outsides of some of the darker leaves have their outer edges slightly bent/curled down
Hopefully somebody can tell me what's the matter with my babies. this is the 3rd grow i'm doing and i realy hoped for no issues this time ;C



Well-Known Member
Honestly,try to remain calm.There isnt a whole lot wrong going on with your plant.Sometimes issues like this arent cut and personal opinion is the plant is slightly underfed.Stay the course give her a very ,very light feeding at next watering and we will see.In the mean time dont do anything crazy,like flushing your root zone or fucking with ph.


Well-Known Member
Honestly,try to remain calm.There isnt a whole lot wrong going on with your plant.Sometimes issues like this arent cut and personal opinion is the plant is slightly underfed.Stay the course give her a very ,very light feeding at next watering and we will see.In the mean time dont do anything crazy,like flushing your root zone or fucking with ph.
Thanks alot for all the support man! i'll go with your advice.