additive to hydroponic nutrients to prevent aeromisters from clogging up?


Active Member
I remember reading some time ago that there is an additive solution you can mix in with your hydroponic nutes to help keep them fully dissolved and thus not clog your mister's is this true and if so what is the name of that solution?


Well-Known Member
drip clean from dutch something is a product that supposedly keeps drippers clear of clogs. Strong stuff use sparingly.


Well-Known Member
its from house and garden, i blv

also you run it with the nutes. it supposedly helps so much that you dont have to flush as much, but you need to use it through the whole cycle of the plants meaning if you start it with a 4 week old plant or older, it may flush out the needed nutes aka more harm then help aka spending money on nutes to get rid of nutes you are also spending money on. lol (yea im high :p)

hope this helps