adjust ph before or after adding nutes?

yes what they said.
Also when you ph initially you have no swing and don't have to ph again thus adding a ph up or down to your feed.
Link to credible source please.
I forgot I wasn't in the hydro section, I think I'll just head on over there and let everyone know to lay in a supply of ph up and down.
Wtf happend to my post? LOL!!!! Anyways Professor.... Your posting made no sense... With all do respect, Sir/Ma'am. Why would you PH before the fluctuation that the nutes will cause? And dont add PH up or down? Huh???
I have a 35 gallon tank that I have to PH, it takes just a little more than a couple drops.

Just to be clear as there seems to be a bit of confusion. You do NOT want to add your PH solution (up or down) to your feed water. The straight shot of acid can react adversely with the nutes. This is why you want to ph before you add the food and give it time to dissipate. This is in the cases that you NEED to ph. If your water comes out at 8.0 and your nutes raise it 1.0, then you should ph your water down to 6.0 (5.8) if you are shooting for around 7.0 (6.8) before you add the nutes.

Why would you want to add acid to your feed water? Doesn't it make more sense to have the water ready to just add the nutes and then feed instead of adding acid to your feed water? This really isn't a difficult concept. Some mutha fuckers are always trying to ice-skate up hill.
Just so you know, whether you put the ph down in before or after your nutrients it still in your "feed water". So that point is invalid. The only nutrient I know of that raises ph is silica.

Ph down goes in the water right after nutrients, it causes no fall out; (unless used in conjunction with humic acid) and in my case again in about 24 hours to get it stable for the week.
Just so you know, whether you put the ph down in before or after your nutrients it still in your "feed water". So that point is invalid. The only nutrient I know of that raises ph is silica.

Ph down goes in the water right after nutrients, it causes no fall out; (unless used in conjunction with humic acid) and in my case again in about 24 hours to get it stable for the week.
Ive used SUb cultre line, General Hydroponics line, Foxfarms line, Some random Organics line that popular down her ein the Bay Area, Natures Gro Terra Line, shit some other's I can't even remember... And every single one of them made my PH fluctuate... OR were you just talking about raising? BEcause most did however lower it more acid rather than alkaline
Ive used SUb cultre line, General Hydroponics line, Foxfarms line, Some random Organics line that popular down her ein the Bay Area, Natures Gro Terra Line, shit some other's I can't even remember... And every single one of them made my PH fluctuate...
It does fluctuate. I set to around 5.8 after Rez change. 24 hours later it's back at 6.8. Adjust back to 5.8 and it will stay in the 5.6-6.2 range i like staying in until the next Rez change week later.
It does fluctuate. I set to around 5.8 after Rez change. 24 hours later it's back at 6.8. Adjust back to 5.8 and it will stay in the 5.6-6.2 range i like staying in until the next Rez change week later.
OH! I see! I concur! I guess I misunderstood you a bit there in your previous post, my bad.
Wow, really?!

The first time you setup your grow do this:

1.PH your water for your baseline reference.

2.Add the nutes and PH the water again. If it is higher than 7.0, PH it down to where it needs to be.

**Pay attention to this next part**

The next time you feed them, PH the water down where it would need to be AFTER you add the nutes. You should also check to make sure it has not deviated from your original baseline?

Because the water has been set to a lower PH (by you) before you add the nutes, the addition of the nutes will raise the PH to the appropriate level. This eliminates the need to adjust the PH after you add the nutes because you already did before you started. Basic math and basic chemistry.

This does not require a link or another source to comprehend, it is common sense.
I'm not interested in your technique and do fine without it but thanks.
Ok, this might help. My water comes out of the RO filter into my storage tank at 7.0 and my nutes raise my PH about 1.2 points. So, before I add the nutes to the water, I lower the PH to 5.5 so that when I add the nutes to my water the PH goes up to 6.7. Understand now?