Adjusting pH Toward the Acidic

Hey, I am a soil grower, a lazy soil grower, who likes a big buffer. The less risk to my plants the better. rather lose 10g of yield then my whole grow. So, with that said, what is the safest way to take my soil pH from 7 to 6.5?


roger v

you could used ph down the ornge stuff.I like to used mollases for down and cal mag for up I use ro water so cal mag is a must


Well-Known Member
I would leave it at 7, you are more likely to cause more harm to your plants messing with the ph! Lemon juice will work though.
Thanks. I gave it a glass of orange juice. JK. I took care of it with a cap full of viniger. Thats all it'll need once in a while.
I am going to start a bidding grow thread, so any of you who cring at the thought of me dumping viniger into my soil can see how my hackery pays off.