Admirable, Noteworthy Members here


Well-Known Member
I have to say that the members I admire the most are the newbs who come here to learn... the ones that stick it out and eventually pay it forward by teaching what they have learned...

I cherish this perpetual motion of knowledge and the members responsible for keeping it alive...

I admire YOU ! :clap:

And all that WE stand for...:hump:

OVERGROW'em!!! :leaf:


Elite Rolling Society
this thread makes me feel like a true pothead..... ;-):hump:

well, ain;'t we all?????
I've smoked everyday for 41 years and I have to look at my business card sometimes just to remember my phone number ..........and I've had the same business number since 1988.

Seriously, I think some of us forget sometimes, that we are all potheads or stoners here.
God Bless us all!


Elite Rolling Society
I have to say that the members I admire the most are the newbs who come here to learn... the ones that stick it out and eventually pay it forward by teaching what they have learned...

I cherish this perpetual motion of knowledge and the members responsible for keeping it alive...

I admire YOU ! :clap:

And all that WE stand for...:hump:

OVERGROW'em!!! :leaf:
So true, so true.
I've seen hundreds of newbies come here to learn how to grow their own, and succeeed too. I was once a newbie, still am in some areas. I saw the movie PAY IT FORWARD AND I am a strong believer in Karma, that we reap what we sew. If we give love, we get love. Paul McCartney said it best, 'In the end, the love we take, is equal to the love we make" meaning we can not expect to get more back than we are willing to give. There is a great joy in teaching others what people like PotRoast, Al B Fuct and Fdd2blk were willing to teach me.
This is a great site, if you are willing to read.
(and stay out of the Politics and Religion threads...LOL)


Active Member
I haven't been around long, but I respect the wisdom/opinions of UB, borntokillspam, and ohsogreen, among others I can't recall at the moment.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
this thread makes me feel like a true pothead..... there are hundreds of names that i know should be up there,,, but is just blank.... you know who you are, i love all of you:hug:....

and gravy... ONE day, i'll get up to the white north and we WILL smoke down.... until then.... keep it thick;-):hump:
yes i second that motion. :hump: names just fail me. to high i guess.


Elite Rolling Society
I have a terrible short term memory, but I can not forget who taught me how to grow my own, avoid a DEALER and paying $150 to $180 a week for weed:

Al B, Potroast, GardenKnowm and Fdd2blk.


Well-Known Member
I admire newbies who read faqs or watch videos or read previous answers to the same questions or do some sort of research before coming on here and asking the same quiestions asked every day of every week of every month of every year.

(Aside from the obvious big players and helpful regulars and entertaining nutjobs that is.)

I almost gave up on helping others on here at all because of the repetitiveness, and still rarely pop into a thread unless it's genuinely more advanced than newbie stuff. I like helping people but damn, can't take it any more.


Well-Known Member
i think fdd is one of those entertaining nutjobs. hahaha, but he is a nutjob x experienced grower I listen to. that song is sick. and I was prolly born when they made it. I dunno.

edit: just saw the date on there, I wasnt even born when they played that. still wanna listen to it though


Well-Known Member
i havent really been out of the toke and talk section because im not growing anything at the moment but some cool people who are always chill are Canadiancoyote and louis(cant remember the rest of his name), canabolic, sunnysideup is just like her name so damn positive all the time lol, and biggravy, and uhh... im sure theres a couple more... cant really remember lol

there are also a couple new people that i like but cant remember their name.

but im not playing favorites i like everyone :)


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to throw my 2 cents in here.

When I got here, I spent an entire day reading several different grow journals completely through. The one that actually made me decide that I was gonna grow was GypsyBush's AG grow. I learned most of what was required to start a simple grow.

After I received all my equipment to start my grow, SICC, Purpdaddy and Lurkmaster all provided me with the information to get it going, and continue to help out wherever they can.

Now, after I have been through one grow and am on my second, I really enjoy teaching the newer members the same things that I have learned. I do my best to find the newest threads to see if I can answer any questions or just provide support. These newcomers make me wanna grow better and learn more so I can better help more newcomers to get things going right the first time around.

I owe it to this forum and everyone on here. Each and every person makes a difference, whether you're an asshole providing others with great entertainment, or a very helpful member of this wonderful community.

RIU is family, simple as that.


Well-Known Member
i think fdd is one of those entertaining nutjobs. hahaha, but he is a nutjob x experienced grower I listen to. that song is sick. and I was prolly born when they made it. I dunno.

edit: just saw the date on there, I wasnt even born when they played that. still wanna listen to it though
i saw them live for the first time that year. :hump: :peace: :joint::joint:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the recognition, it's refreshing. I've been teaching folks how to grow pot on forums for over 10 years now. As you may know, my approach is strictly botanical, and that's the only way to grow.

BTW, where is potroast? Haven't heard from him in months.

Grow hard,
Uncle Ben


Elite Rolling Society
Thanks for the recognition, it's refreshing. I've been teaching folks how to grow pot on forums for over 10 years now. As you may know, my approach is strictly botanical, and that's the only way to grow.

BTW, where is potroast? Haven't heard from him in months.

Grow hard,
Uncle Ben

I heard he got busted and was away for two months, and he jsut came back here in the past two weeks.

And you are a HERO here, and very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
nice thread Roseman,,,,I wanna big up Rollitup,,fdd,,VV,,Chiceh,,Bongspit,,Lumberjack Ian,,Trenton,,and many more,,incuding you Roseman