Admitting the awkward

Prescient of @ANC to post this thread so I'll make use of it.

I know there's been some conjecture about the stealth mod. I wasn't sure I would be a worthwhile mod as I'm busy IRL so @sunni let me remain anonymous and hit report until we were sure I'd actually be here enough. So in the interest of transparency I think it's time I out myself as the newest snitch, err mod.

Apparently the 5 minutes a week I'm here more than @neosapien edged him out, sorry neo, I voted for you!

PS As the newest kid on the block my job is nuking spammers from low earth orbit and bothering sunni so all y'all are safe :eyesmoke:

Congratulations Annie

Now for the new clout chasing followers you'll surely gain, just gently shake your leg and they'll release you. Kinda like when the naughty puppy dogs start humping your leg ;-)