Advance nutrients are the best !

I like right before the flip to start, say like 5 days, so that 5th is the flip day and then. Basically out to almost week 6 or so. As soon as the growth stops and the bulk is starting. Really for me, more like right before the bulking phase starts.

Watch you concentrations for the supplement......and amounts used per gallon.
Adding epsom salt is meant to do the same for the terps...?
Maybe flawless finish is a bottle of epsom salt with great marketing? Lol.

am working with specific sulfate compounds now..
2 of my home made things are sulfate compounds to specifically increase terp and Trich profiles.
It works.
One needs to be aware of how much and how long you apply any Mg or K sulfate too. Each will restrict THC production if over used...
Balancing (setting) certain ppm amounts (available in the soil) of Mn and Fe are the key to higher THC or CBD counts..
guess sometimes the most active ingredient isnt mentioned to protect the sellers interest, otherwise it would be easy to rebuild it from scratch. Hormones like ASS e.g. in your Bud Candy. (edit: or Bud Factor X gotta possibly confused, just to make an example...)

Plus the obvious correctors of tapwater which most likely has an unfavourable Ca:Mg ratio - Ca over Mg, so supp Mg.
And under the influence of growth hormones the plant is going to ask for more nutrition anyway...

Do you have any experience in the application of Elementary Sulphur (dry corn)? I wonder if its even necessary when I correct my tapwater with Epsom Salt anyway ? to 50mg/l S
I read that plants can take up to 200mg/l S but I dont know if that is true for Cannabis? How much would you allow to increase S in relation to the other ions at that time?

Actually I plan to drop this correction midflower, because Mg is more needed for leaves and Ca more for flowers and fruits. And from then on use the El. S instead. It looks like its easily water soluble so I can measure by EC.

Ironically most nutrient lines increase K on their charts.... Doc do you know if the supplementation of both Fe AND Mn together results in a more total cannabinoid content? (when you do not want to change the ratio but just give the plant its demands...)?
S and Mg will boost resin more a the end of flowering so good old Epsom Salts are good to add.

Too much P and N are negative to good buds after the stretch.
S and Mg will boost resin more a the end of flowering so good old Epsom Salts are good to add.
tbh I just found a mentioning to use Gypsum for this, which seems to be perfect as its Ca & S. Or maybe a combination? So Mg increases in need towards midflower as well? tbh I never ran about this, but Im just as of now digging a bit deeper into influencing nutrient ratios.

Some of these seem to be esp. important... @Dr. Who do you by chance know more of those...?

I remember seeing a chart somewhere placing Potassium & Calcium @ 2:1, but thats been generally for plants not Cannabis specific.

Keeping these ratios in cheek may help preventing locks or should enable a better growthrate at higher ECs... esp. when mixing together different brands.

If we just could exemplify an ideal target full NPK formulae for each individual growthphase of Cannabis, then it would be easy to find the required products (starting with cheap powder not expensive bottles that are mostly water)....
e.g. "High Veg Formulae":
N 12, P 4, K 10, S 2, Ca 5, Mg 1.5, Fe 0.5, Mn + Micros ?
... just to illustrate an example.
One thing I'm sure @Dr. Who would tell you is just make sure that all the goodies your plants need is in the pot they're growing in.

So much time and discussion is wasted over the supposedly needed ratios of this and that. Imbalances are mainly user created.

Pot isn't some special plant like orchids. It grows great in all sorts of conditions like tomatoes and should be treated as such.