Its customized by growing medium and style of You don't want pure organic if you are doing aero-spray as the nozzles will clog. It is better not to have just ONE option...the more custom tailored you can get , the better the outcome. Being the best doesn't mean that there is one product...being the best means that there is more than one product
wow! i'm not trying to stir up trouble - just applying a little logic to the concept of "the best"
i understand and agree with what you're saying (except there are organic nutes that won't clog an aero system - not sure if A.N. has any though).
But once you define all those variables (style, medium, etc, etc.. etc..) there should no longer be a choice.
i'll use an analogy - the best gasoline for a commuter vehicle is not going to be the same as the best gasoline for a race car. BUT the best gasoline for a race car is going to be the best gasoline for all race cars
of the same type. if it isn't - then it isn't the best - that is all i'm saying.
i also understand when you pay a shitload of money for something we like to justify it and consider our purchase the best. we've all heard the platitudes like "you get what you pay for" etc...
i am guilty of it too.
having said all that - let me add - something may be "the best" for you but that doesn't mean it is "the best" for everyone.
the punch-line to this conversation is i plan on using A.N. on my next grow.