Advanced Fanbox Soundproofing


Well-Known Member
Okay, I realize that there already is a Fan Sound Control thread, but I feel that my situation calls for more drastic measures than a simple box hanging.

So in finishing up my cabinet, I need to find something to insulate/block allll of the sound of my loud 500 CFM Soler & Palau mixvent fan.

At first I was going to use just insulation, but I've heard this may be a fire hazard, and it doesn't work all that well for soundproofing.

As this is supposed to be a stealth cabinet, I am willing spend w/e amount of money needed to make this fan as quiet as possible, and he're are a few of my ideas.

I was thinking about using Mass Loaded Vinyl to line the box as a sound barrier, but I know that will not be enough so I might add open cell foam to try and trap and absorb some of the vibrations and noise.

Another alternative is Green Glue which I was thinking about adding in between foam or MLV. Pretty much, I would like to implement as many decoupling strategies as possible to get next to no noise from standing right outside the cabinet.

Somebody who is experienced in soundproofing, or creating recording studios, I could use all the help i can get.


:peace: out.


Active Member
If its sound proofing the fan's vibration noise just but some foam under it so it doesn't have any vibration noise. And use an air mufflue (however its spelled) on the fan, which might be hard in your case since their VERY BIG. If its just the fan noise (fan motor) you really can't do that much about it beside a box which would help some, but not sound proof.

Your never going ot get a way to sound proof it 100% just to let you know.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I realize you can never really achieve 100% soundproofing, and i was planning on creating a baffle in that intake filter box for the air noise.

I was just wondering how to properly do it to maximum efficiency.



Well-Known Member
Alright guys, so I ended up getting a couple tubes of GreenGlue, for viscoelastic damping, and a sheet have MLV to line the box, along with some mlv/foam tape that i can wrap around the ducting.

Last thing I'm considering doing is buying a Variac to control fan speed instead of my Fantech controller which hums like a muthafucka.

I'll letcha guys know when I recieve n install it.


Well-Known Member
Well my 50 buck Variac has def proven to be the most cost effective device, as i can turn my fan down to even 20% of the voltage so that i can barely hear it at all. Unfortunately I would like to keep my heat in complete control, so today I am in the process of laying down the MLV on the walls. I'll put up some pics when its on


Active Member
does anyone have pics of boxes they have built for their motors? i am trying to quiet my fans. thanks


New Member
a lot of sound made by fans is made not only by the vibration of the motor but by the movement of the air, it resonates through open ducting, which is why vents, mufflers, and dampers work.

unfortunately, it seems to me if you can't hear it it won't deliver the desired effect.