Advanced nutes: Final phase


Most adult growers with experience don't buy into AN's lies, deceptive marketing or their insane prices. Saying AN is the best is like saying McDonalds is the best. Only for children that don't know what a good hamburger is yet. One usually has to grow up and mature before they can break away from the marketing clowns influence. Some never do. I have never bought a chicken McNugget but it doesn't prevent me from knowing they are over priced junk.
Nuggets aren't over priced. I think we just have the common case of. what's it called, oh ya, cheap.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, I’ve seen truly awesome results from that Final Phase flush. So awesome I would definitely recommend that product. Im sure there’s others that would work, but to answer the question at hand, yes final phase does the job rather nicely.
Let the haters hate, they will do that anyway, that’s what they do, just like Final Phase, it does the job, period.


That's all we wanted to know if any has use final phase before then AN haters always have some crap to say...... But thanks for answering the question ..... And just for the record some had said AN is for hydro ...... That's crap.... sun shine mix 4 is what fills my pots..... And before some hater wants to hate ..... I know it's a soilless soil...... But its far from some damn hydro system.... All I have to say is that I use the full line of AN and it rocks .... I just always have flushed with RO water.....but final phase sounds good I will be picking it up in the next few weeks.... Keep growing... And let the haters do thier job ..... Fatass will probly die next week older then micky D's...... -_-