Advanced nutrients comments


Well-Known Member
whats up everyone! just wanted to hear from anyone using advanced nutrients products and get some feed back on any or all of their product, as far as being able to notice a difference in your grow?


Well-Known Member
you can grow some great shit with the bare minimum of their sensi A and B (veg & bloom), and their sensizyme. but if you want to support a huge stalk and a lot of upper growth them you have to get voodoo juice. this stuf is super pricey but well worth it. good luck, late


Well-Known Member
isnt the voodoo juice used to help stimulate the root growth?
i know the healthier the roots are the better the plants gonna do but is there any other benifits from the voodoo juice besides the fact its good for the roots?
thanks for the reply!:mrgreen:


Active Member
i'm using iguana juice so far so good. by friend is using mother tea sensizyme and voodoo and his shit came out better than any other grow. if you can't get voodoo buy rhizotonic some people say it's better than voodoo.


Well-Known Member
I use Dr. Hornby's big bud with my gh flora nova....I like advanced nutes but not for veg...I think the flora nova works better..IMO


Well-Known Member
you have to know how to use the connoisseur for it to work right!
did he have both a&b?
also when using that you have to keep the ppm way low like 300-400 or it will burn your crops. I've seen the grows from my dude that works in the hydro store and his shits insane!!


Well-Known Member
im comparing it to other advanced nutrient bloom, big bud will do just as good. He had a &b.
So your man used connoisseur a-b & found it to be no better than, big bud? Does he use any supplements? overdrive? etc
Big bud is good yes i agree, but i dont use it all the way throughout my grow, i find using overdrive last few weeks of flower helps a lot. I assume its the same with connoisseur. may be wrong tho


Active Member
all i can say is WOW... I recently switched over from some crappy dyna grow(i didnt pick the nutes my grow buddy was using it and he was a noobie as well). I recently have taken over as his caretaker and started using flora nova for veg, at first i didnt like it cus i got slimy roots but its fuckin awesome! and bettter yet ive had a chance to use connoisseur in both soil and hydro. We started finishing the plant with it from the start of the 5th week and my what a huge difference. You really do have to cut the given dose in half, it is very potent but for some reason the strains i have can handle the normal dose w/o burn. It actually took a plant in late flower that was completely yellow leafed and turned it completely around and its green with monster crystal buds!! i couldnt believe it! If you watch urban grower a guy uses the AN 2+ program and compares it with connoisseur and the connoisseur actually produced bigger jucier crystlier buds. so for those that say its expensive, its really not. spend 100 bux for a liter of A and B to make a few extra thousand... easily pays for itself. Our hydro buckets are growing at an alarming rate as well. The soil ones are now in there 8th week and i have completely cut off feeding nutrients, but the most recent hydro buckets in week 2 after using bud blood are exploding in growth as well. I just cant say enough, what is expensive?? spending 15$ on crap nutrients only to yield 50% while still paying for the electricity and water. or spent 100$ on nutrients and yield twice as much. like i said spend 100 to make a few thousand, fine by me! and you can stretch the shit out of it, only running at 600ppm-800pm at peak feeding it will last multiple crops.pheeeewwww had to testifyy about how much i love this shit


Well-Known Member
all i can say is WOW... I recently switched over from some crappy dyna grow(i didnt pick the nutes my grow buddy was using it and he was a noobie as well). I recently have taken over as his caretaker and started using flora nova for veg, at first i didnt like it cus i got slimy roots but its fuckin awesome! and bettter yet ive had a chance to use connoisseur in both soil and hydro. We started finishing the plant with it from the start of the 5th week and my what a huge difference. You really do have to cut the given dose in half, it is very potent but for some reason the strains i have can handle the normal dose w/o burn. It actually took a plant in late flower that was completely yellow leafed and turned it completely around and its green with monster crystal buds!! i couldnt believe it! If you watch urban grower a guy uses the AN 2+ program and compares it with connoisseur and the connoisseur actually produced bigger jucier crystlier buds. so for those that say its expensive, its really not. spend 100 bux for a liter of A and B to make a few extra thousand... easily pays for itself. Our hydro buckets are growing at an alarming rate as well. The soil ones are now in there 8th week and i have completely cut off feeding nutrients, but the most recent hydro buckets in week 2 after using bud blood are exploding in growth as well. I just cant say enough, what is expensive?? spending 15$ on crap nutrients only to yield 50% while still paying for the electricity and water. or spent 100$ on nutrients and yield twice as much. like i said spend 100 to make a few thousand, fine by me! and you can stretch the shit out of it, only running at 600ppm-800pm at peak feeding it will last multiple crops.pheeeewwww had to testifyy about how much i love this shit
I was reading the whole thread until I reached this point. This is really hard to look at when you're high.

Try some spaces next time stranger. Welcome to RIU :)


Well-Known Member
I use Advanced Nutrients 3 micro, grow, bloom as my base nutrients.

Bud Blood, Big Bud, and Over drive as flower enhancers.

I use Rhizotonic from Canna for root growth. I also use Thrive Alive B-1 (red) from Technaflora for general plant health.

I have gotten amazing results with that combination of nutrients. I'm curious to try the whole Advanced Nutrients line on one grow but they have so many products. Their whole lineup is 19 products and would cost a fortune.


Well-Known Member
i use the 3 part flora series from gh. its forgiving and has really easy measument requirements, almost fool proof. and cheap.


Well-Known Member
i use the 3 part flora series from gh. its forgiving and has really easy measument requirements, almost fool proof.
Yeah, GH works okay. I got just under 2lbs from 6 blueberrys, supercropped, and topped once, using GH. Vegged under 430 watts and flowered under 1000.

GH is a good alternative if you can't find Advanced Nutrients. A better alternative to Advanced Nutrients is Canna IMO. Like Advanced Nutrients, I think Canna was also developed with Cannabis in mind.


Well-Known Member
I'm using AN's Monkey Juice Grow and Bloom a&b and also Overdrive. I'm growing in coco and Monkey Juice is specially made for coco. I also used it in my last grow in 100% P'lite. I've had fantastic results with it so far, 700g from 2 plants last grow and this grow is just starting flowering and I have a looooong time to go as they are sativas. They are very healthy :)