Advanced Nutrients - Organic Soil, Input?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure there's no differance in the lineup from soil to hydro, at least with advanced... I might be wrong however.

GottaGrow is a good place to get feeding charts, ideas on simplified feeding regiments.


Well-Known Member
yae my next grow im guna do a side by side with BMO and AN i think that i mix of the two would be the best but who knows right.


Well-Known Member

I'm still using an old batch of 2part... And not really following a chart.

When I get the full line I'll print out a new chart... They started out releasing new products a couple years ago, and now they're reformulated like every year... The Sweet Leaf has changed 4 times that I know of...

I'm planning on investing on the Connisseur, and all the Hornby products... The 2+ chart... For my next round.

I substituded the Fox Farm soluables, and I'm not getting the same result, it's decent for sure, but not the same as using the Hornby.


Well-Known Member
What could possibly be in connoiseur that could make it worth 45 buck a liter...that is ridiculous. save your money.


Well-Known Member
Say's they guy with a picture of the Connisseur label in his sig??? :roll:

I don't get it... You've bashed AN this whole thread, and have a pic of their premier product in your sig????

"Advanced Nutrients is all hype and marketing"-hom36rown...

An not to make it sound cheap, but gallons are 100 bucks... You need to A+B so it's 200 bucks for 2 gallons... Vs the 100 bucks for a liter each of A+B...

The regular 2 part is 100 bucks for 2 gallons... So it's only twice the price.

Seriously dude, you have a pic of Connisseur in you sig, you're bashing it... HAVE YOU EVER USED ADVANCED NUTRIENTS?


Well-Known Member
That isnt the conni label, thatsa michael goddard painting. I Do use sensi 2 part at the moment, it works pretty good. I especially like that it is so concentrated, and doestn have a bunch of dyes and other garbage like some nutes. My only problem with the 2 part, is its low on Mg and P, which I have to supplement with other products. When I was using the GH lucas forumula, my nute profile was such that I didnt have to add anything else, just the micro and bloom. And even the products that are supposed to go allong with the program, dont raise the P much, big bud for example is only 1% P, doesnt help much. Currently I am using grotek monster bloom to supplement the P, whcih is 0-50-30. I also use AN carboload. IN the past Ive used the big bud, overdrive, bud blood, sensizym, pirahna, sweet leaf, their humic and fulvic. The big bud overdrive and bud blood are all just PK booster, that you wouldnt even really need if the base nute was higher in P. Sensizym, if you follow the directions they give you is gone within a week, so Ive switched to hygrozyme instead and cant tell a difference, well this current grow I am using neither. From pirahana, I switched to bottanicare's mychorizzae, just because it was vacuum packed, so I figured it would be better, but really its hard to say. Sweet leaf I think did actually help a little, but I havent used it in a while cause its so expensive. All in all AN makes a totally decent product, its just I shake my head when I see poeple who have never grown before buy their whole lineup, cause they think theyll get spectacular results, and then all those expensive nutes go down the drain. as soon as I'm done with this 2 part, I'm going back to GH.


Well-Known Member
It may be a Michael Goddard painting, but it's still the label for connisseur...

With the supplementation of SensiCal, and the bloom boosters your CalMag and P problems shouldn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... Same artist... I thought there was something wrong with the pic in the sig.

So, why would you have a similar painting by the same artist, use the 2part, and talk down on connisseur?

Oh, well, I'm done...


Well-Known Member
The pic in you sig suggests the notion that you are a fan of connisseur...

But I do agree with some of what you're saying...

It's pointless to invest in the entire AN line if you don't know what you're doing...

I have a friend you also supplements P to his grow...

I have a few questions...

You tested the difference betweeen using an enzyme and not using it... Did you notice any big difference?

For the first 3 weeks of my bloom I didn't use it, I figured there's no way the nutrient levels could be too high. When I added the sensizym they drank it up a lot faster and started to grow faster too...

My current grow was abbreviated due to funding... So I didn't use any Hornby products, and supplemented with the FF soluables...

I really just invested what I could in the basics, and still have some leftovers, about a grand in nutes, but some were leftovers, and I have more for the next round... I fully detail it in my journal.


I cut out a lot of the products I have been using, and am working on simplifying it further... $86 a gallon for sweet leaf is pricey so I've been working on a copy, I think I'm getting close.

I'll always use an enzyme, you can feed so much more...

Also, the main difference between AN and the other nutes is they are derived from pharmacudical grade materials, other companies use test grade materials... And they're in a higher chelated form so the plant can eat so much easier.

Anyway, I'll never switch from AN, i was trying out FF this round to save money, but swiched over and I'm finishing out after the third week with AN...