Advanced Nutrients PH/PPM Perfect thread


Hi. I got myself an R/O unit, and is about to start using AN, I understand the ph perfect and it works well. but I do have a little problem understanding the ppm perfect technology, i used the previous products and i started at 300ppm on clones then went up to 600ppm next week and 1000ppm the first week of bloom and so on.... this is still the right way to do this?

cause they sayin i should add the same ppm tru all of the weeks? and that i shouldnt pay attention to the ppms tru the grow? wtf how will i know my plants are taking up enough nutrients?! anyone used this line and know or would like to share some info?


Well-Known Member
I have not tried the new PH/PPM perfect but I stopped using the PH perfect as I didnt see much of an improvement that would warrant the 200%+ increase in price :( from what I have used for 5 years now, higrow grow and bloom IMO. However I did use overdrive on my last tray and it does seem to help !


Active Member
I don't think it's considered ppm perfect. I use the recommend ratio as an absolute max feed for peak bud times, and usually feed somewhere around 1/2 strength more or less. Less in veg, like 1/4


New Member
The PH-Perfect calculator,on the left side, states to use lower rates depending on the maturity of the plant. I have used it and you can use it at full blast without lockout but you can also use less without any decrease in growth. I use soil-less so I use about 12ml/gal(3/4 strength) in full bloom. I use it the same way as @Dontastic 1/2 to 3/4. I go by EC: 1.3 to 1.8 EC in Bloom. No need for sups, really.


Well-Known Member
Yes it's ph and ppm perfect you need to run at the calculators recommended doses. It may seem weird at first but I haven't used a meter for ppms for a long time and no worries at all on the ph side of things either. You do need good run off though. If you take a ppm reading at full strength it will read in the 2.0 ec but don't worry as long as you replace the old with the new it's hard to mess up.

They have a lot of buffers in there. To see more of how it works, type in advanced ph perfect on YouTube and look for the movie with the tomatoes it's a computerized movie not real plants but breaks down so you can understand more how the line works

I did run this in coco too with good results but straight rock wool seemed to work the best for me.


Well-Known Member
The PH-Perfect calculator,on the left side, states to use lower rates depending on the maturity of the plant. I have used it and you can use it at full blast without lockout but you can also use less without any decrease in growth. I use soil-less so I use about 12ml/gal(3/4 strength) in full bloom. I use it the same way as @Dontastic 1/2 to 3/4. I go by EC: 1.3 to 1.8 EC in Bloom. No need for sups, really.
Yea the sups work but I recently looked at rare dankness web page they run AN sensi with only big bud and overdrive as there boosters. This last run I did just like that and swear the results were even better without all the adds. Not to mention I'm saving tons of money not having to buy the other bottles in gallons. I think the only thing I noticed was a small decrease in taste, very very small so not too worried.


Active Member
The calculator needs to emphases the dosage better for small plants. It does say to ramp up with each stage, but the core flower program is 4mls per L all the way through. I cut to about 3ml and I am happy with it. On smaller plants you should not run full strength, though I do notice that you can run the pHP at higher ppms and not burn your plants. The buffers seem to work well.


Active Member
Also, I would run at least that Hobbyist line up. It provides Benys, Vitamins/micros, Bloom Booster and Ripener. Other than that I run Bud Candy and Nirvana most of the time.


Active Member
I have not tried the new PH/PPM perfect but I stopped using the PH perfect as I didnt see much of an improvement that would warrant the 200%+ increase in price :( from what I have used for 5 years now, higrow grow and bloom IMO. However I did use overdrive on my last tray and it does seem to help !
Not even trying to be a hater, but this is lousy feedback. "You have not ever tried ph/ppm perfect but stopped using ph perfect... this makes no sense." pH Perfect came out only like a little over a year ago. Its also the same price as Sensi has always been. They never raised the price. 5 years ago it may have been a few bucks cheaper, but what hasn't gone up in price in the last 5 years? Inflation, it happens in all markets. What 200% increase are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
Looks like he's saying he's using something that was way cheaper than advanced. Don't get me wrong the line is a little pricey but if u use the line correctly your yeilds far surpass the amount of money it costs to run advanced.


i asked them i got this reply:

"Rather than use ppms,

Simply start from 1ml per liter, gradually increasing to the full 4ml per liter rate as the plants mature.
Once the full rate has been achieved, remain there."

I dont understand why i should remain there? must be the buffers everyone talks about,,too my knowledge after week 4-5 the plants stops eating that much, and you should usually drop like 150-200ppms per week.. why should i waste my nutrients by keep feeding the plants full rate?


Well-Known Member
i asked them i got this reply:

"Rather than use ppms,

Simply start from 1ml per liter, gradually increasing to the full 4ml per liter rate as the plants mature.
Once the full rate has been achieved, remain there."

I dont understand why i should remain there? must be the buffers everyone talks about,,too my knowledge after week 4-5 the plants stops eating that much, and you should usually drop like 150-200ppms per week.. why should i waste my nutrients by keep feeding the plants full rate?
cause the nutrient companies are in it to make money your plants they will tell you what they like:mrgreen:


New Member
Do what YOU want to do ! Just because they say to keep it at 16ml/gal doesn't mean that's the best way to go. Remember this formula is for ALL growing media, so the highest ppm's are for pure inert hydro mediums with low moisture retentive properties (hydroton, rockwool, lava rocks whatever) We that use more retentive mediums such as peat or coco , don't need as much ppms. A good rule of thumb: The more retentive the medium, the less the ppms. As stated , I use 12ml/gal and sometimes that's too much, maybe 10 ml for sensitive plants.

Another thing: Did you know Sensi PH-perfect RATIO is 1.2-1-2 by itself and with the "Hobbyest" bundle where you add Big bud and B-52 it changes to 1.2-1-2.3 and with B-52 and overdrive 1-1-2 ! That tells you the N-P-K changes diddly squat throughout bloom. The only thing that changes is the PPM's because you are feeding with the added supplements while keeping the same base dosage . Man, 3 sups that increase your nute bill by 125% of base cost for what? Don't get me wrong , AN Base is great, its the sups that I have a problem with.
You have observed what ppm's your plants tolerate. Go with that, not what some dude sitting at a desk getting paid to push a product says. Last I heard, plants don't read directions. You, with your keen observation skills are the best supplement to feed them with!


New Member
Don't get me wrong , AN Base is great, its the sups that I have a problem with.
You have observed what ppm's your plants tolerate. Go with that, not what some dude sitting at a desk getting paid to push a product says. Last I heard, plants don't read directions. You, with your keen observation skills are the best supplement to feed them with!
Agreed 100%! I have on my shelf very little for suppliments but do use a few...sensyzym,voodoo,carboload but I run them on a schedule I have created for my girls and over time have found them usefull for certain issues.


Well-Known Member
Agreed 100%! I have on my shelf very little for suppliments but do use a few...sensyzym,voodoo,carboload but I run them on a schedule I have created for my girls and over time have found them usefull for certain issues.
Me too I have the full line up in gallons just sitting there as well. I looked at rare dankness web site they say for synthetics they run only big and overdrive of course with the bases. I ran my last two runs this way and was very impressed no difference from not running all the adds but just a little diff taste I noticed. All in all way way cheaper, out my way it's 240$ a gallon of factor x so the full line up can be costly if u run a lot of plants


Well-Known Member
I'm using the PH Perfect micro, grow, and bloom in coco. I got the Bud blood, Big Bud, and carbo load free so I use that to.
I don't have an EC meter, but i'm going to order one today.
I'm hand watering my plants, and not sure if I'm under feeding or not.
The AN nutrients calculator says 8ml of each per each week. I use 2l bottles for feeding.
My question is, do I use the 8ml every feeding that week, or divide that into how many feedings I do.
I have 2 plants 5 and 6 weeks in flower.
Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Do what YOU want to do ! Just because they say to keep it at 16ml/gal doesn't mean that's the best way to go. Remember this formula is for ALL growing media, so the highest ppm's are for pure inert hydro mediums with low moisture retentive properties (hydroton, rockwool, lava rocks whatever) We that use more retentive mediums such as peat or coco , don't need as much ppms. A good rule of thumb: The more retentive the medium, the less the ppms. As stated , I use 12ml/gal and sometimes that's too much, maybe 10 ml for sensitive plants.

Another thing: Did you know Sensi PH-perfect RATIO is 1.2-1-2 by itself and with the "Hobbyest" bundle where you add Big bud and B-52 it changes to 1.2-1-2.3 and with B-52 and overdrive 1-1-2 ! That tells you the N-P-K changes diddly squat throughout bloom. The only thing that changes is the PPM's because you are feeding with the added supplements while keeping the same base dosage . Man, 3 sups that increase your nute bill by 125% of base cost for what? Don't get me wrong , AN Base is great, its the sups that I have a problem with.
You have observed what ppm's your plants tolerate. Go with that, not what some dude sitting at a desk getting paid to push a product says. Last I heard, plants don't read directions. You, with your keen observation skills are the best supplement to feed them with!
I hear you on the NPK, but what is listed on the bottle is guaranteed minimums, so I dont take them to heart, just a guide line. With the additives you are getting more than just NPK. Like B52, you are getting micros from Kelp and better uptake with humic and folvic.. chelated calcium as well. Nirvana, you are getting Guanos, alfalfa extract, castings, more humic... Definetly have a huge influence on the flavors and aroma. I've run the line consistently for a few years now and I have omitted certain products here and there. I dont see a huge difference in yield, but quality drops a bit. I will always run Sensi, Big Bud, Overdrive, Nirvana and/or B52 with a carb and beny. Thats the meat and potatoes of the line.


Well-Known Member
The post I made above about the cheap nutrients just came in today. I ordered on the 26th. It was from across the country. Everything looks amazing. Top shelf. i plan on running a FF vs AN test. Same everything except for the nutes.


Well-Known Member
Hi. I got myself an R/O unit, and is about to start using AN, I understand the ph perfect and it works well. but I do have a little problem understanding the ppm perfect technology, i used the previous products and i started at 300ppm on clones then went up to 600ppm next week and 1000ppm the first week of bloom and so on.... this is still the right way to do this?

cause they sayin i should add the same ppm tru all of the weeks? and that i shouldnt pay attention to the ppms tru the grow? wtf how will i know my plants are taking up enough nutrients?! anyone used this line and know or would like to share some info?
I get that it's all confusing for folks who are new to the AN lineup.

I think the calculator on the AN website has been updated, so it should help you figure out what to use and when to use it. I have my own special blend at this point, but I think the calculator is a great place to start - that's where I began, anyway.