Advanced Nutrients = waste of money.


Well-Known Member
I guess im just confused about the cleanliness of reverse osmosis water and MICROnutrient problems associated with them. My plain tap water is 380 and i have been told several times that is unhealthily high. Like.. Should i add cal mag to R O water?
See if you start at 380 out of tap there's already a ton of elements in the water that won't coincide with your nutes levels. If u use RO water it's typically at zero allowing for your nutrient line to work as intended. Also not sure if your running AN but if u are you don't need their cal mag bottles as its already in their base for the sensi line. If using the ph perfect using the cal mag bottles can mess up the ph buffering in the line.

Rare dankness on their web page shows they only use the base nutes of advanced and then big bud for those weeks then move to overdrive for the finishing weeks in flower. I think we can all see that they grow some serious fire with minimal bottles from the line.

just fig I'd throw that in there since we were talking about which bottles need to be used and which you could let go of


Active Member
See if you start at 380 out of tap there's already a ton of elements in the water that won't coincide with your nutes levels. If u use RO water it's typically at zero allowing for your nutrient line to work as intended. Also not sure if your running AN but if u are you don't need their cal mag bottles as its already in their base for the sensi line. If using the ph perfect using the cal mag bottles can mess up the ph buffering in the line.

Rare dankness on their web page shows they only use the base nutes of advanced and then big bud for those weeks then move to overdrive for the finishing weeks in flower. I think we can all see that they grow some serious fire with minimal bottles from the line.

just fig I'd throw that in there since we were talking about which bottles need to be used and which you could let go of
I am going to start using NON ph perfect additives in later flowering. (Bud candy, kushie kush) but as for my base i am using dyna gro grow bloom and protek. My tap water is 380 so i bought an r o. Knowing that i use DYNAgro for my macros, should i still add cal mag to my r o? If so at what rate?


Well-Known Member
what i did was ph my nutrients and water to 6.3 ish and it would climb up to around 7 while accessing different nutrients... if you start too low or way too high the it has to adjust which is more work maybe stress i don't is important.. you should amend your soil with dolemite lime as well.


Well-Known Member
I believe my main savoir in keeping my plants in perfect healthy condition throughout my grows is adding 2-4 drops of cal mag per gallon of water during every feeding.
When I only water I let a little run out of the pots to get rid of any salt build up just in case.

I am very interested in Rhino Skin for my roots. Hows that working for you?


Well-Known Member
Lol @ hating on advanced nutes. I am not against them. I get good results with thier iguana juice as base organic nutrients.


Active Member
I believe my main savoir in keeping my plants in perfect healthy condition throughout my grows is adding 2-4 drops of cal mag per gallon of water during every feeding.
When I only water I let a little run out of the pots to get rid of any salt build up just in case.

I am very interested in Rhino Skin for my roots. Hows that working for you?
I think rhino skin is to help build rigid cell walls resulting in firmer stems. And for that job it is working extremely well.


IDK peeps, I have had pretty good results using PH perfect nutrients and all the grower bundles. Over priced- hell yeah, but I like the money back guarranty that comes from big mike. I have never used it but its nice to know its there.

If you are looking to get away from all the pricey fertilizers and still have the same or better results, there is a store out of iowa called there they have the raw soluable fertilizer and it is the same shit as advanced nutrients. I have been growin for almost a decade now and using PH perfect for the last 2 years and I am happy with the peace of mind i get when using ther shit. forget the PH down (unless you are using rhino skin or a silica additive) everything is buffered... and stays there for a few days untill you top off with 1/2 strength. I fuckin hate adjusting PH. too much and your fucked, then try and adjust that...(accidentally too much) now your really fucked and all that nutrient solution has to be dumped. There is a lot of pro's to all your cons when it comes to advanced nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Fertilizer is frigging fertilizer. The differences are the buffers, the bottles and dilutions. The salts these nutes are made from probably all come from a very limited number of manufacturers and distributors. Like Intel processors.
This is true. There are 2 forms of N available to plants one Urea and Ammonia form, P is only available as P2O5, and K as only K20. Nobodies fertilizer is that much better. This is pretty much the only forms that plants can utilize and they are simply specific chem compounds. Nitrogen is produced by extracting N from atmospheric air, in North America most Phosphorus is mined in Florida, and most Potassium comes from Canada. This is from memory from a college class 30 years ago. Anyway as best I remember the Prof said fertilizer was kind of like asprin, a generic was as good as top shelf


Well-Known Member
I am doing 2 trays right now and one has reg cheap nutes ($20 for 4L of A and 4L of B) I get locally from a manufacturer that bottles for numerous companies and the other tray I am using PH perfect and I really can't see much of a difference between the two grows. The one tray is about 4 weeks ahead of the other so not a true test but still for the money I think I'll stick with the cheaper ones and add some down when filling the res. BTW I an not that experienced so that may be an issue as well but still pulling close to a gram a watt for the most part.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
This is true. There are 2 forms of N available to plants one Urea and Ammonia form, P is only available as P2O5, and K as only K20. Nobodies fertilizer is that much better. This is pretty much the only forms that plants can utilize and they are simply specific chem compounds. Nitrogen is produced by extracting N from atmospheric air, in North America most Phosphorus is mined in Florida, and most Potassium comes from Canada. This is from memory from a college class 30 years ago. Anyway as best I remember the Prof said fertilizer was kind of like asprin, a generic was as good as top shelf
What about nitrates and nitrites? Urea and ammonia both must be broken down to these forms of N before they are available to a plant. Then there is the resulting pH change certain N sources exact on the medium. Some can make it rise, some can make it fall.


wow 380 is really high hard water mine is 178 on a bad day most times its 135. You may need RO water I use my tap, but I might use bottled water to flush.


Well-Known Member
I forget the question lol. I gotta ask how many bottles of stuff do u guys have for your grow?? lol. Jeez I now have 2 bottles, an A and a B, and a bottle of PH down due to tap water being nuetral (its a well). Got rid of the PH Perfect, to freakin expensive and I could help adjusting anyway :).


Well-Known Member
I used AN base two part A&B and didnt have to ph my DWC once. Never. Base nutes and calmagic and superthrive. Thats it. I have no idea if other nutes are better but thats my two cents. This cost me 20 dollars in total for the amount that went into this plant, it was 3l 1.6o wet so you decide. Hey uncle pirate, that plant did better than you thought huh? Remember when you thought it wouldnt even give me 6 o? Lol

