Advanced Nutrients

So I am going to run the full master level advanced nutrient conniseur line. Does anyone have any thoughts on the suggested amount of each nutrient. It seems like the advancednutrient website calculator is very aggressive and I dont wanna burn my plant.


Active Member
im no pro, but this has worked well in SunShine Mix4 soiless

after 3 or 4 sets of new leaf start veg nutes at 300ppm, then 600, then 900, then 1200
(some strains u can punch with 1000ppm right from the git go)

start flowering nutes at 1000ppm, then 1200, then 1400, then down to 1200


with fresh water between every feeding


So I am going to run the full master level advanced nutrient conniseur line. Does anyone have any thoughts on the suggested amount of each nutrient. It seems like the advancednutrient website calculator is very aggressive and I dont wanna burn my plant.

I've always found the nute calculator to be mroe of a goal than an actual schedule. When I run about 25% less nutes, I don't have troubles with burn.

I would just use less than the schedule says and watch your plants. Always easier to put more nutes back into the grow than to take them back out. Start slow and your plants will be happier for it, IMHO

Schedules are nice, but they're not foolproof, are they?

Less is more, less is more..........

Cool to see this lineup though. NEver used it before, myself.