a mongo frog
Well-Known Member
Whats going on here???????
I also have plenty of pictures of this run in my library start to finish. Your gonna tell me that they aren't mine? It's not possible anyone else can use tomato cages to grow plants in that can look similar?
Soon as I get my computer back I will post them for anyone to look at and make an opinion on. Those are my plants.
I ain't a thief I don't need to steal pics from anyone my work speaks for itself. So idk where u wanna go with this but lemme know I can prove it myself as well.
are you suggesting pk is using other peoples bud pics,,,,, NO WAY hes the best grower just ask him,,he knows everything!! also it couldnt be ur pics,, he tells us how it is, not the other way around..lolDude!! I almost feel bad calling you out, but c'mon man...
That's not Srawberry Cough, and in fact that's not your picture, or your plant. That's MY picture, and MY plant which was a strain called Grape Fat Cheese. Ive posted pics of it several times on here. Here's a few more pics I snapped of it....
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If you're going to lift pics from the Internet and pretend that they're yours, you might want to make sure that the person that actually grew the plant, and took the pic isn't participating in that thread. SMH
are you suggesting pk is using other peoples bud pics,,,,
To be 100% honest and answer a msg I got ill put on here. AN GIVES U THE BEST * YIELDS. Now if u wanna talk quality Bio Canna and Botanicare Pure Blend Pro give me the best quality. However BPB yields are diminished but the quality primarily the color, frostiness and especially the smells are the best. It's really awesome shit and it's cheap and easy as hell to use. All around a great nutrient line hands down one of my favorites.
Even when I do canna or AN grows I always use Botanicare for veg no matter what. Not only to cut costs down but bcuz I think it provides better roots and it's simple. BPB grow, cal mag, silica and roots excel for all veg. Than bloom I switch to whatever nutrients that imma use that run. No problems whatsoever I do it every time been running like this for years.
Only thing I add to get yield back as much as possible is to add Atari bloombastic to the Botanicare flower lineup starting week 5 thru last week. Produces rock hard compact flowers and literally u can see a 2nd wave of flowering growth after initial bulking period stops. Awesome shit. That I find to me in my experience gives u an edge on just regular lineup they offer and is only thing missing they don't have. Use that and roots excellurator and ur golden. Also nice cuz it's primarily all organic and super clean. Hard to burn any plants and no deficiencies.
I got a guy at shop who does runs w only the bases, liquid karma and calmag and gets really good results. He don't get the yields bcuz he doesn't use all shit he needs but the shit comes out damn good just give idea how well IMO their nutrients are very underrated all around. I think they are one of the best out there and def best for the price hands down.
So u posted these pics back in February of 2015?? Is that what ur telling me? Correct?That's exactly what Im suggesting. I about fell off my chair when I saw him post that pic as his own.
Well look at this. Here's a thread from February in the Michigan Patients section where I posted my pics.... errrr.... I mean pk's pics that I somehow lifted from his MacBook which is in Rhode Island.
thats hallerious!!!That's exactly what Im suggesting. I about fell off my chair when I saw him post that pic as his own.
Well look at this. Here's a thread from February in the Michigan Patients section where I posted my pics.... errrr.... I mean pk's pics that I somehow lifted from his MacBook which is in Rhode Island.
So u posted these pics back in February of 2015?? Is that what ur telling me? Correct?
Lol exactly my point which imma prove in a few minutes. Im just waitin for this dude to get back to me on the dates. Wait for it, i got suttin good comingIs it possible you guys are growing the same plants in the same pots with the same cages in the same dirt?
Apparently he the only one who can grow plants w tomato cages and take a picture in front of a white wall because nobody paints there walls white anymore lolIs it possible you guys are growing the same plants in the same pots with the same cages in the same dirt?
Yeah do that and give me the dates u posted them and than im gonna show u something that will blow ur mind
And the same carpet? This is very exciting guys!!!!! And 2 doors to the grow room!!!!!!!!Apparently he the only one who can grow plants w tomato cages and take a picture in front of a white wall because nobody paints there walls white anymore lol
Lol exactly my point which imma prove in a few minutes. Im just waitin for this dude to get back to me on the dates. Wait for it, i got suttin good coming
Run the maxi in coco, starting with RO water! Hint: you will def need calmag. Lolu only need cal mag if your nutrient doesnt have it,,,sooo,, what does that say??? ive never needed cal mag with maxi..