Advanced Stealth Hydro Bubbeponics Thread


New Member
That's why I want to wait and see how his grow comes out. With the set up he has and the tri-meter he can monitor to the gnat's ass. More worried about the root filling that tube to the point that it blocks the water from filling the tube in which case you may have to got to maybe 4 in a tube but then again I might just be worrying too much. LOL!


Well-Known Member
ugh i hate how my hps makes my plants look sickly... The one in the back is finishing up I guess it's an unknown strain so I have no Idea whats going on with it. I ave noticed that "bagseed" strains never look as healthy as good genetics and always run into more def. issues and what not. weird...


Well-Known Member
well, just noticed what was wrong with it,... tit was a hermie... My friends that I took care of. Those damn bagseed grows always turn hermie on me. Must just be lousy genetics... They always turn out to be the ones with def. and random problems as well. My white demon always do well and stay healthy... Its hard to hurt them... You have to be REALLY careless for a long time.


Well-Known Member
no man, for the setup I was describing up top I was just using two bubbleponic res in between two Other reservoirs. I was just using that as the piping... not the growing medium.


Elite Rolling Society
Good idea, really a great idea.

I'm going crazy answering
why do my roots on my baby sprouts turn brown and my leaves get crispy when I only used FoxFarm, Liquid Karma, Hydrozyme, SM-90, and Super-Duper Flora-Glory Nutes and keep my unvented tent closed.


Well-Known Member
Good idea, really a great idea.

I'm going crazy answering
why do my roots on my baby sprouts turn brown and my leaves get crispy when I only used FoxFarm, Liquid Karma, Hydrozyme, SM-90, and Super-Duper Flora-Glory Nutes and keep my unvented tent closed.
haha you aint neva lyin


Well-Known Member
Good idea, really a great idea.

I'm going crazy answering
why do my roots on my baby sprouts turn brown and my leaves get crispy when I only used FoxFarm, Liquid Karma, Hydrozyme, SM-90, and Super-Duper Flora-Glory Nutes and keep my unvented tent closed.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thats great, even better second time I read it. Roseman! Buddy! Great to see ya, yeah I hear ya. I love the thread, but I just don't have the patience sometimes.


New Member
I kind of got burned up helping the current crop of newbies. What part of keep it simple until your learn don't they understand. OK, there I've vented. Feel better now. LOL! Rose, I have no idea how you do it! You too Purp! This ain't FM. This shit comes with a chart on how to feed and how much! OK needed to vent a little more! Now I'm done! And another thing . . . .


Well-Known Member
I kind of got burned up helping the current crop of newbies. What part of keep it simple until your learn don't they understand. OK, there I've vented. Feel better now. LOL! Rose, I have no idea how you do it! You too Purp! This ain't FM. This shit comes with a chart on how to feed and how much! OK needed to vent a little more! Now I'm done! And another thing . . . .
PATIENCE my good friend patience...It is a valuable virtue i had to go to prison to learn.IDK man i love sharing the knowledge with other people and watching have a sucessful grow,,i can just sit back in the gap and say,,I helped grow those beaties!LOL man it takes practice ill tell you that,,but i dont really answere questions too much anymore over there,,check it daily,,if there is sumthin i feel the need to touch on..i will..if not i just sit back and laugh at the questions....Tip my hat to Big Unc Roseman.Fa real,


New Member
Ok, OK! I want patience and I want it now! I'm back to posting on the site to backfill for Rose when I can! You do the lay-ups and I'll bomb from 3 point range! LOL!


New Member
I'm thinking gang tackle! Don't mean to complain at all and don't want this to become a venting thread. It has more potential than that! I love my boring grow! I do have one question. I took clones from the fem LSD and the clones are about 2/3rd the size at a comparible stage. I did have less light on them in grow. But they achieved the same 10-11" and I'm thinking that it may have reduced their mature size because they were not as bushy as the seed grow. Am I thinking straight on that? Having said that the yield and bud size is equal mostly because I did of better job with super cropping and keeping the canopy even.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed more bud on less plant almost consecutively. It's amazing what supplements do and when you get your crap in line what you can achieve.