
Well-Known Member
Off topic and shit, but who's a fan of death and/or black metal?

I got an Onkyo and Polk Audio setup for my birthday 2 weeks ago, I have been jamming an Agalloch album from 2006, Ashes Against the Grain...

Good listening for those that like that kind of music... From my all time favorite album...

Off topic and shit, but who's a fan of death and/or black metal?

I got an Onkyo and Polk Audio setup for my birthday 2 weeks ago, I have been jamming an Agalloch album from 2006, Ashes Against the Grain...

Good listening for those that like that kind of music... From my all time favorite album...

nice taste of music senor
Off topic and shit, but who's a fan of death and/or black metal?

I got an Onkyo and Polk Audio setup for my birthday 2 weeks ago, I have been jamming an Agalloch album from 2006, Ashes Against the Grain...

Good listening for those that like that kind of music... From my all time favorite album...



Well-Known Member
Okay, fishing....

Any HIMYM fans? Dexter? TWD? WWE?

I'm a big nerd when it comes to those 4...

I have a Paul Heyman shirt on right now...

Voice of the Voice of the Voiceless....

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Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Okay, fishing....

Any HIMYM fans? Dexter? TWD? WWE?

I'm a big nerd when it comes to those 4...

I have a Paul Heyman shirt on right now...

Voice of the Voice of the Voiceless....

CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk!
The midcard is getting slightly better, but the world heavyweight title scene has gone to dog shit. If it wasn't for Heyman, Ambrose, Ziggler, and Harper, I wouldn't be watching. Thank god they're giving Luke Harper a singles push, he deserves it.

BTW, glad to see you back on the forum, sir.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of Opeth a little bit. I'm also a complete Dexter nerd! :)
Off topic and shit, but who's a fan of death and/or black metal?

I got an Onkyo and Polk Audio setup for my birthday 2 weeks ago, I have been jamming an Agalloch album from 2006, Ashes Against the Grain...

Good listening for those that like that kind of music... From my all time favorite album...



Well-Known Member
The American Airlines Center will have to get a new roof, because Ziggler and Cesaro are going to tear it off tonight, pretty cool they made it 2 out of 3 falls. Rollins and Ambrose will be another great match, I hope they go last, they deserve it.

I'm excited about Harper, he brings a lot to the table, especially for a big guy. Almost 300LBS and has a similar move-set as a 200LB guy.

I hope Ambrose is the one to finally beat Lesnar for the belt, that would be awesome. They'll probably have Supercena do it in their 20th rematch.... WWE logic for ya.... I wouldn't be totally disappointed if Orton won the belt from Lesnar. Did you see that RKO he did to Ziggler a couple weeks ago? That was probably his best one yet, I really wanted to see Ziggler win, but there's no shame losing to Orton, after an RKO like that...

What's your opinion on Rusev? I'm not too huge a fan, though at least WWE is not dropping the ball on his "undefeated monster heel" gimmick, reminds me of Ivan Koloff a little. He's gonna advance up the totem pole a little after he taps out Big Show tonight...

WWE and The Dudlyz are negotiating a deal right now, Bubba is second to almost none on the mic, I wouldn't mind seeing some back and forth between him and Ambrose.

CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk!
The midcard is getting slightly better, but the world heavyweight title scene has gone to dog shit. If it wasn't for Heyman, Ambrose, Ziggler, and Harper, I wouldn't be watching. Thank god they're giving Luke Harper a singles push, he deserves it.

BTW, glad to see you back on the forum, sir.


Well-Known Member
man, i really love 80s merciful fate and ghost BC, a lot of the
newer genre stuff doesn't grab me but there is still some that
is good. i've always been really into tool since my heavy LSD
usage days lol.

dexter is the shit also, gotta love a good slasher and they do a
fantastic job of showing how a person with anti-social personality
disorder relates (or doesn't relate) to everyone else.


Well-Known Member
dexter is the shit also, gotta love a good slasher and they do a fantastic job of showing how a person with anti-social personality disorder relates (or doesn't relate) to everyone else.
I think his character is a cerebral narcissist. Something like Casey Anthony. Deriving supply from controlling his environment, his superior skills to manipulate others. NPD shares many traits of other Cluster B disorders (which psychopath or AsPD is one), such as imitating acceptable behaviors to get what he wants in the world. But, he seems to be driven by a desire to control his environment arising from a childhood of neglect (meeting his own needs). For example, he seems to be disturbed by the manner in which he supplies his needs (purging the environment in the way his foster father did, only with less red tape). Psychopaths (AsPD) don't usually have that kind of conscience. They feel empowered by their lack of conscience. It gives them a natural edge in a world where you're either predator or prey. Dexter, on the other hand, appears to be satisfying a need to control his environment, to be a savior, to do good (a perverted source of narcissistic "supply.").