advantages of lst on cfl grow?


Active Member
I started low stress training on the younglings today, what type of inrease in quality and quantity will i expect from cfl grow? is it significant or just a wee bit better?



Active Member
pretty significant actually. The low stress training allows for light to hit the lower nodes. When it's done vegging it will look like you have several plants in one pot. I have 6 total colas on mine and did LST. the oldest two lower colas are just as big as the main cola. LST is a must with CFL. Check out my post "4 Weeks Flowering first time grow" and you will see. Way worth it.


Active Member
damn yeah yours looks pretty damn nice so the lst creates those extra colas? or is that from cutting anything


Active Member
Well I cut about 9 clones from her. But I think it's good to cut some in veg so you can centralize more energy to less colas. Also thinning it out allows the light to penetrate the buds better. I cut a couple off about 2 weeks into flowering because it was too crowded, but try to make all your cuts before flower though to reduce any unwanted stress. It seems to take a few more days to come back after making cuts and that's bad during flowering IMO. I'll be watching. Got any pics? Thanks for the compliment.


Active Member
on my first grow i trimmed it down to the cola but it was autoflowering and pretty small anyways but here is a pic of the one i just lst, its small as fuck and was stunted at seedling stage for several reasons probaly, but i just tied the top down with a wire is this what its supposed to look like?



Active Member
Yeah that looks perfect. If its just a plain wire I'd use plastic covered paper clips or pipe cleaners so it's not bare wire on the plant cause it might cut/dig into the stem when it gets bigger. I used the fuzzy pipe cleaner that you can get at walmart or craft sotres. But that's looking great.


Active Member
k awesome i got some fuzzy pipe cleaners, this is my test plants im just tryiing everything out i guess even though i have no idea if there male or females, i just know there chrystal and ice, but i think im going to try to cut the top of the plant off to get the 2 colas? is there any special form to this or just cut the tip off?


Active Member
k awesome i got some fuzzy pipe cleaners, this is my test plants im just tryiing everything out i guess even though i have no idea if there male or females, i just know there chrystal and ice, but i think im going to try to cut the top of the plant off to get the 2 colas? is there any special form to this or just cut the tip off?
Great. Yeah mine started off as a test or just something to do and I got 2 fems out of 3. You can top it and get 2 colas, yes. But you should do it early to a very new growth to reduce stress. Cut the stem right below the (new) leaves at a 45 degree angle (45 degrees for a couple reasons). Just make sure you have about 5 nodes before doing this. If it's too small you can use fingernail clippers to get a nice cut. But don't worry, there's a reason it's called weed. This plant is pretty indestructable unless you feally F it up. lol good luck.


Active Member
clipped it today, we'll see how she looks in a few (:, sorry i ask so many questions but i was looking at your flower4 week thread and you were saying something about molasses which i have seen somewhere else what is it suposed to do? add taste and smell ? or help with trichs


Active Member
clipped it today, we'll see how she looks in a few (:, sorry i ask so many questions but i was looking at your flower4 week thread and you were saying something about molasses which i have seen somewhere else what is it suposed to do? add taste and smell ? or help with trichs
Yeah all of the above, plus it will fatten them up. It also works to flush the plants nutrients I hear you can start using it about 2 weeks into veg or all the way through the flowering. I didn't start using mine until 30 days into flowering but it definitely made a diference within 2 days. The buds looked more dense and was 2 times as crystally. Molasses is a must. So some say.


Active Member
yes i started using it on my ak and its defeinatly chrystalld up real nice, lst is going well, switched to hps for most part bc cfls were becoming a problem 1 fell on the one im lst yesterday and burnt it pretty bad but its looking alot better now also from topping it split into ttwo really nicely