• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Adventure Time with FinShaggy


Well-Known Member
I was standing in my room talking on the phone with a girl I knew who was Muslim (that is important to the story kinda). I was just bored walking around my room talking, and she was getting ready to go to the mall in like an hour.

I randomly looked in the mirror, then started staring at my face REALLY closely... And I felt like the image in the mirror was a "fake" reflection. So I asked the girl on the phone "Do you ever feel like the person in the mirror isn't you?? Like they are thinking something that you aren't?" (I have had this feeling maybe 5 times in my life, and it's a strong feeling. Like the person in the mirror has a different personality than you, you just never see it.)

When I asked her that, she replied "No, but our house is protected by all kinds of Muslim symbols and stuff, like we have this scroll on the wall in the living room with the symbol of..." I would continue describing, but I honestly don't remember the specifics of their protective "talismans". But basically her point was that their house was safe. Then she told me "Maybe the thing in the mirror in a Djinn (which is a Muslim angel or demon. Usually if it is fucking with a human, it would probably be a good guess that it was a "bad djinn".), and she told me that they are not very good at taking human form, so to check the reflection for hooves or a tail or any strange things.

I was starting to get worried, so I went to get some White Sage. And I told her "I am going to get some stuff to create a ward", but she is Muslim (and they don't like magic, only prayer) so she told me "No, don't try to do magic, that will make it worse.". But I really just wanted whatever it was to go away, and white sage smoke is meant for clearing ceremonial places of bad spirits. So I burned some White Sage and started creating a ward. The way I was "trained" to do it was to focus the colors, "black, white, black, white, black" into 4 corners of a room to create a seal of "positive and negative" energy. Then you close your eyes, and whatever you see is the spirit guarding that space. When I closed my eyes, all I could see was the after-glare of light from looking out my window. So I told the girl on the phone "Close your eyes and tell me what you see." She said "A window.". So I thought, "That must somehow be the form of the guardian".

Then she said "Get the fuck out of your room!", I didn't hesitate a second, I got the fuck out of my room, and asked questions AFTER I got to a safe place. So I went like half way across our house, and sat in a chair. I asked her what she had seen and she told me "I was standing in a room" at this point it is important that I tell you she had never been in my room, and she was able to vaguely describe it on accident. "I saw a bed in front of me" When I had been talking to her I was standing by my bedroom door, facing the bed. "a door to my right" which is where my bathroom door was, "and light coming from the left" where my window was. "But standing between me and the bed, standing directly in front of me, was a hooded figure. I couldn't see it's face but it had a big head, and I know it was looking in my direction, and I know that means it was looking at you." I freaked the fuck out. But my phone beeped. It was about to die. I had to go back into my room to get the charger.

So I walked back to my room and put my hand on the door knob. I was scared as shit, so I opened the door slowly. As I opened it, cold air rushed out. It was like 20-30 degrees colder in my room than I had left it. I freaked the fuck out, ran in my room, ripped the charger out of the wall and ran back to the room with the chair. But this time I sat in the corner next to the TV and a wall plug. I was freaking the fuck out, so the girl on the phone started telling me Muslim stories, like Mohamed split the moon in half, and travelers from miles around were documented coming into town for days, saying they had seen it even miles and miles away. Which is, she said, a far greater miracle than any preformed in the Christian Bible.

There was a piece of paper sitting in front of me, and no fan in the room. But the piece of paper was laying flat on the ground, and started to lift up slowly, as if a fan had started blowing from the ceiling and was kinda pulling a corner of it off the ground. It started lifting a little, then the piece of paper lifted half of itself off of the ground. But it didn't do it to itself, there was wind that shouldn't have been there. And as I stared at this piece of paper, scared as shit. I blinked. And in the single SPLIT second that I blinked my eyes I saw an image in my mind, almost as if it flashed in front of my eyes while they were closed. In this image I was standing in my room again, staring in the mirror closely. And standing behind me was a creature. It was extremely thin, and stood like a human with bright yellow skin. But it was taller than a human because it had a long thin neck. It's head was slightly larger than a humans, but it had no face. In place of facial features, it had what seemed to be paint. It was as if it had taken green paint on one hand, and smeared it across the bottom of its face to create the illusion of a "mouth", then covered two hands in red paint and smeared it sloppily on the top of its face to create the illusion of two eyes. It stood behind me, hovering over my shoulder, looking at me in the mirror.

I freaked the fuck out, and ran out of my house and the girl asked me if I wanted her mom to pick me up, because they were going somewhere anyways I said sure and she said they would come soon. I ran down the street and stopped at a small field that I sat in to meditate while I was high in highschool (this happened when I was in highschool). When I got to the small field there were two kids standing on the balcony of a nearby house. I told the girl on the phone that the kids on the balcony were there, because they were staring at me and not doing anything, so it was really freaking me out. I asked the girl on the phone what to do and she said to try waving at them. I waved, and they did NOTHING.

They picked me up and we went to the mall. Then after wards we went to their house and their mom did a bunch of Muslim prayers over my head, and taught me some to say. And they taught me a lot about the Quran and some stories and prayers in it that night and in following months, and I actually considered myself Islamic for a very short period. That day was crazy though.


Well-Known Member
I was chilling with my girlfriend (X now) and my sisters best friend (at the time) one night and we were watching a movie. When the movie ended my sisters friend was asleep and me and my girlfriend were talking. When my sister walks, her ankle pops, it's really weird. But we heard a popping and walking sound behind us, so we thought my sister had walked in the door behind us. I got up and turned around and said something as if she were there because I thought she was walking, but she wasn't there.

So me and my girlfriend continued sitting there talking when we started hearing more walking noises. I got up to see what was making the sound, or to see if maybe my sister was hiding somewhere in the room, and there was nothing. There was NO reason for the popping and walking noises. So I went back to sit with my girlfriend and she started hearing walking noises that I didn't, and they were closer to the chair than the ones were heard before (according to her). Then she started hearing whispering. I didn't hear anything and she was freaking the fuck out. She said it was getting louder and louder and freaking out and told me she didn't want to listen to it, and she was scared as shit. I told her to try to listen to it since it was only talking to her, because I figured she should see if they just want something. She was too scared and freaked out more. Then it stopped, and we decided to leave the room. But my sisters friend was asleep in there and we didn't want to leave her in there with whatever it was.

We looked at her and she had a blanket over her entire body. She looked like she was in a body bag. We were both freaking out now, and I thought when we pulled the covers off of her face she was going to be dead or some creature or something. But we pulled the blanket off and she was just asleep. So we woke her up and told her to come with us, we went to my sisters room and she was asleep, but she was down to be scared with us (because our house was haunted and we all knew it) when she woke up. We all started gathering like salt and pepper and a mandrake plant I had and rosemary and white sage. Then me and my sister went downstairs to get our mom, because we knew she would know what to do.

So me and my sister went down stairs and when we walked towards my moms room there was a TV. And in the TV we saw the shape of a person, the TV was not on and does not have a image of a person burned in the screen permanently. There was some kind of being that we were either seeing the reflection of or seeing stand in front of the TV. So we ran in our mom's room and she came upstairs with her Ouija board. We asked the thing questions and it fucked with us, so we knew it was a bad spirit. After a while my mom went to bed, and we decided to go to bed too. But we all 4 got in my sisters bed.

While we were trying to go to sleep, our computer which is in the hallway outside my sisters room, suddenly started playing music. For no reason. No one was in the hall. My sister went and turned it off. Then her friend had to go to the bathroom, she came running out of the bathroom crying saying that her reflection in the mirror flipped her off. And she started having a panic attack. We finally got her calmed down, then we all went to sleep scared as shit.


Well-Known Member
Well in my opinion crazy shit like this does happen and has happened to me personally...when i was about 7 my grandpa passed away and not even 2 days later i saw him as an angel...he told me everything is ok and he loved me...then he faded and i haven't seen him since then...been spooked a couple times, for instance i came up my stairs one night real early in the morn about 3 or 4 i'd say...soon as i got to the top of the steps it sounded like someone let out a blood curdling scream, my girlfriend was still up with the door open to the room, which is only like 10 ft from the steps...i asked her if she heard that and she had no ideal what i was talking about...i said "so you didn't hear what sounded like someone screaming bloody murder in our loft?" she said no...no one outside and computer speakers didn't even work so its not like someone pranked me

i've had a couple other visuals and my girlfriend was even pushed a few times by an entity...she was pregnant and was trying to communicate...if you don't already know spirits+pregnant woman = bad. I was holding her after her ass was grabbed, the push was hard enough to almost knock me and her down...im not a small man by any means, she had large red hand marks near her collar bone where she was pushed, it bruised the next day...i believe i have strong guardian angels, i provoked it but it wouldn't touch me...im not scared of any spirit no matter their intent


Well-Known Member
Well in my opinion crazy shit like this does happen and has happened to me personally...when i was about 7 my grandpa passed away and not even 2 days later i saw him as an angel...he told me everything is ok and he loved me...then he faded and i haven't seen him since then...been spooked a couple times, for instance i came up my stairs one night real early in the morn about 3 or 4 i'd say...soon as i got to the top of the steps it sounded like someone let out a blood curdling scream, my girlfriend was still up with the door open to the room, which is only like 10 ft from the steps...i asked her if she heard that and she had no ideal what i was talking about...i said "so you didn't hear what sounded like someone screaming bloody murder in our loft?" she said no...no one outside and computer speakers didn't even work so its not like someone pranked me

i've had a couple other visuals and my girlfriend was even pushed a few times by an entity...she was pregnant and was trying to communicate...if you don't already know spirits+pregnant woman = bad. I was holding her after her ass was grabbed, the push was hard enough to almost knock me and her down...im not a small man by any means, she had large red hand marks near her collar bone where she was pushed, it bruised the next day...i believe i have strong guardian angels, i provoked it but it wouldn't touch me...im not scared of any spirit no matter their intent
Very good addition to the thread. Thank you for sharing this :D


Well-Known Member

(3,4-methylenedioxy-N-*methylamphetamine*) is also known as MDMA (which itself basically breaks down like methamphetamine) There is a much less well known "designer" version/cousin of the drug, known as MDPV (Methylenedioxypyrovalerone) and sometimes "Ivory".

I suggest NOT EVER using it.

When you read about it, the experiences say "It feels like someone knocked on your door and told you you won a free BMW... And the come down is like being told they made a mistake."

That's not what it's like. It's like Cocaine (which I have minimal experience with, as I mainly enjoy only marijuana and psychedelics), but worse (cheaper and more addictive). I have binged (not proud of it) on it 2x, the second time worst than the first. I will NEVER do it again. And I suggest that NO ONE ever do it. They are thinking about using it as ADD and ADHD medication, if they do, DO NOT let your kids take it.

First time I got it, I got it because I read it was ecstasy's cousin, which it is, so I wanted to give it a try and bought a gram. I tried eating some, but me and a friend ended up snorting it all in like 2 weeks (and doses are .010g on a scale, or 10mg. I can't even remember what it was really like. I just wanted to do more the whole time.

Then the second time I got it, I was in California, and had been getting quite a bit of JWH and wanted to try some MDPV again. So I got an eighth and me and one other person did 1g in 1 night, then I threw it away and never touched it again, because the next day I was throwing up, my brain would freeze as well as my entire body, ex: I would go to grab a lighter, and freeze with my hand right outside my pocket, unable to move, like my brain didn't connect to my body.

It's a horrible addictive thing, but once you realize what it is, it's easy to quit if you REALLY want to. And once it's gone, you will never want it again.​


Well-Known Member
I was 18 and had skipped out on probation and was staying with some friends in another county. They said "Do you want to trip acid tonight?" and I said "I don't have any money" and they said "That's not what we asked". So I said yes and they went a few towns over and came back with marshmallows cut in half and with what looked like a brown liquid soaked into them.

We each ate one and started watching the Wizard of Oz and blazing.
It was insane. I can't even describe what happened at this point really except to say "My brain turned to soup". Shit was crazy moving like mushrooms but MUCH more intense and it was similar to 2cI in that it made me feel like my neuro receptors were getting a fireworks show, but like 5-10x 2cI.
At one point I SWEAR to god I saw the Scarecrow had a gun, and when I said "Is the scarecrow holding a gun?" one of the people I was tripping with said "Yeah". So I believed it, but I don't think he really had a gun.

We blazed a little longer and chilled, then the people I was staying with went to bed (they were a couple so probably to go fuck).

I turned on Netflix and started watching random shit. Eventually I turned on a Futurama movie, and watch like ALL of those for the rest of the night. And that was my REAL trip.
While on LSD I realized that the guy that made Futurama (Matt Groeing) is trying to point out some CRAZY shit with that show.
Fry is the average American (or supposed to be), and gets sent into the Future (where we expect problems to be solved by then). And he takes problems from today that we don't have solutions for, and puts them in a "Future" scenario with that problem. Then they SOLVE the problem with "future stuff". Like the scientist will invent something, or they realize something, and sometimes FRY even has the answer because the future forgot some things about the past and can't put it all together. But it's basically like "This is the problem, and we solve it with blah-blah-blah" but what he's doing is HOPING that someone with figure out the BLAH-BLAH-BLAH and solve the problems we are ACTUALLY having today.

Another thing he does, is try to show people that you either "get shit done" or "have a baby". In his movies there's always some theme, like "We HAVE to get this done." and in the end the "answer" is either child birth or metaphors for it, or sex or metaphors for it. So basically it's saying you can TRY to focus on other stuff, but most people just end up starting a family at a young age and dropping everything.

But that shit was crazy. The next morning I still felt out of it and we played Oblivion for a while, then blazed and eventually felt normal.


Well-Known Member
Yep its interesting...my worst experience which was in 2011. I woke up unable to move anything but my neck, when i looked to my right i could see my arm being pulled above my head...i couldn't pull it back, but i could feel pressure around my wrist where i was being held at. It was trying to drag me out of bed whatever it was, then it was as if someone was keeping me in my bed, like someone was sitting on my legs and had both their hands pushed down on my chest...i could barely talk, but i said three words "God help me"....as soon as i said that everything stopped but i had tears coming from my eyes...its not an experience you want to go through.

I believe my gaurdian angels kept me safe that night and had that not been the case...idk where it would have dragged me to and i didn't want to know. since then i have not been grabbed, nor have i awakened in a paralyzed state...shits real, you don't believe? Ask god to reveal a demonic entity to you but be prepared for the consequences of this action when things do start happening...the bible is your sword (remember this) if you decide your stupid enough to call one out. Its the only thing keeping you safe.

I Sound crazy? Don't care, i was shown physical proof that heaven and hell exist. Figured you'd want to see this one too fin


Well-Known Member
Yep its interesting...my worst experience which was in 2011. I woke up unable to move anything but my neck, when i looked to my right i could see my arm being pulled above my head...i couldn't pull it back, but i could feel pressure around my wrist where i was being held at. It was trying to drag me out of bed whatever it was, then it was as if someone was keeping me in my bed, like someone was sitting on my legs and had both their hands pushed down on my chest...i could barely talk, but i said three words "God help me"....as soon as i said that everything stopped but i had tears coming from my eyes...its not an experience you want to go through.

I believe my gaurdian angels kept me safe that night and had that not been the case...idk where it would have dragged me to and i didn't want to know. since then i have not been grabbed, nor have i awakened in a paralyzed state...shits real, you don't believe? Ask god to reveal a demonic entity to you but be prepared for the consequences of this action when things do start happening...the bible is your sword (remember this) if you decide your stupid enough to call one out. Its the only thing keeping you safe.

I Sound crazy? Don't care, i was shown physical proof that heaven and hell exist. Figured you'd want to see this one too fin
This is actually a fairly common, but kinda rare experience. I knew a guy in rehab/boarding school, he was Chinese and sometimes he would wake up feeling like something was on top of him, like holding down to his bed. Sometimes he couldn't even breath when it was there, and he could never call for help or anything. Then I have also heard a few times (They even have an episode on 1,000 ways to die) about women who wake up and feel as if they have some kind of midget on them, and it is strangling and raping them. It's all over the world this shit happens. It's crazy.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana can cause some pretty amazing effects when you have no tolerance. I have a story of some crazy shit that happened to me.
I was 15 years old. It was THE DAY I got off probation. I had some weed and my friend stole some from his dad. We mixed the two together in a baggie and me and my friends younger brother went to the back yard to smoke it, while my friend stood at the back door and made sure his parents weren't coming while he smoked a cigarette. I forget why he wasn't smoking with us, he must have been on probation or something. I can't remember.
But me and his brother go to the back of the yard and sat by the fence at the VERY back away from the house. I had just been on 6 months probation PLUS 8 months lockdown rehab, and before that I had only EVER smoked weed for 2 weeks before getting arrested. So we had NO idea how much we should smoke and we decided we would just keep loading bowls until we felt high. It was only a little metal pipe but we smoked 8 bowls and we had NO tolerance so we got BLAZED as shit. We finally recognized that we were high and walked over to my friend who was "guarding" the door. When we walked over he motioned "Shhh" and went to open the door. Then he turned to his brother and said "[name] you're pants fell down!!". And his little brother was so high he freaked out and started grabbing his pants. Then realized everything was fine.
Then he SLOWLY opened the door. And quietly, he walked in. Then quietly, I walked in. Then his brother JUMPED into the house, slamming into the door and making a LOUD banging noise, then the blinds bounced back on the door like 3 times, banging even more. So we ran towards the stairs and my friend made sure his parents didn't wake up while me and his brother went upstairs to my friend room. His little brother was freaking out trying to hide under the bed and shit because he knew his older brother would be mad, but when he walked upstairs he wasn't mad at all.
Then he turned on some music and we chilled. He wasn't high so he was just doing funny stuff to make us laugh, so he could laugh at how easy it was to make us laugh. Then eventually I closed my eyes. And the CRAZIEST shit happened. I felt like I was sliding UP the wall, then into the air. Eventually I was in the sky and could see towns and houses and shit. Then I got higher and higher until I was like outside the atmosphere. I was breathing in white light and when I breathed out it was blue. I felt amazing.
Then my friend nudged me and said "are you awake?" and fucked it all up. Then we went in the garage and smoked a cigarette and I started to feel sick, and threw up in the trash can. Then we went upstairs and listened to more music, then I stared throwing up in the toilet. And I did that for about 30 minutes before I came back out, just chilled for a minute and went to sleep.


Well-Known Member
watched that shit on acid it was fucking weird, super jail on acid is hilarious
I used to LOVE watching Super Jail and Venture Brothers when I tripped. They're pretty amazing when you're tripping. Adventure Time was always on during out come up. And usually Tim and Eric was the last thing to watch before either switching to DVR or doing something else.


Active Member
fuckin love the venture brothers lol even when im not tripping haha sponge bob is fucking funny as shit on acid too


Well-Known Member
fuckin love the venture brothers lol even when im not tripping haha sponge bob is fucking funny as shit on acid too
Never watched SpongeBob tripping. But have you ever seen I Heart Huckabees? I saw that shit on mushrooms, and Waking Life. Those movies are insane.


Well-Known Member
One time I took too much 2ci while snorting it. My nose burned like shit for like an hr, and it gave me a TERRIBLE jittery trip. But I was trippin NUTS. Me and this girl watch The Wall and Alice in Wonderland (the cartoon). And at the end of the Wall the bitch I was trippin with said something, and I was like "NO, the whole point of that was that the kid didn't know what a Molotov cocktail was and saw no use for it, so he took it apart. It's beautiful." Then when we were watching Alice in Wonderland, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were telling their story. And I had NEVER noticed it before (because I only saw the movie when I was little before) but that story is about FreeMason's and Illuminate and how they make us think we need them, so we do things for them so they don't have to do anything.


Active Member
what im going to have to fucking watch that shit! and no ive never heard of them i watched saw one time on shrooms and it was nuts everyone in the show looked like a zombie


Well-Known Member
what im going to have to fucking watch that shit! and no ive never heard of them i watched saw one time on shrooms and it was nuts everyone in the show looked like a zombie
I watched the Haunting in Connecticut with a girlfriend once and we split an 8th of shrooms before watching it. The WHOLE time we were laughing. (Gotta give yous ome backstory so you understand why something was funny) Like a night or two before, we had gone to a party at my girls cousins house. My girl had lost her phone and her cousin FREAKED out on everyone. He was just YELLING at everyone asking where her phone was. They had taken the front door off its hinges to use as a beer pong table and he was so mad he punched a hole in it. So when we were watching the Haunting in Connecticut and the scene came on where the husband FREAKED out and started taking out all the light bulbs and busting them in the sink, my mushroomed mind directly correlated that with my girls cousins rant. We started laughing about it and calling the guy in the movie "Jeremy" since that was her cousins name. :lol: It was a great trip.