advice about temperature


Well-Known Member
I dont understand why I should put my intake as high as possible. It would be helpful if you please elaborate a bit more. According to what i know hot air rises, so if I put my intake high all the heat would escape through the intake... ???? im kinda confused :???:
Idk what he's smoking. You want your passive intake low... Exhaust high.... Filter and fan high... Doesn't make sense what he's saying.

Mr John

Active Member
I dont understand why I should put my intake as high as possible. It would be helpful if you please elaborate a bit more. According to what i know hot air rises, so if I put my intake high all the heat would escape through the intake... ???? im kinda confused :???:
Keep your exhaust low if you want to keep more heat in.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody! .... the temperature is 16-18 °C most of the time(60.8 - 64.4 F°) So, my question is what is the cheapest system you know that I could implent to raise the temperature????

Simple change will help, and not cost anything... Take your veg and bud rooms and turn them on opposite of each other... Also, are you saying, your ambient Temp, around your grow box is only 60-64 f? You live with temps that cold ? If you can live with temps like that then, your plants should be fine... Also, are you taking temps from top of canopy? Or down by the medium? Something just doesn't add up...


Active Member
Hey everybody! This is my first post but I've been reading in the forum for a while.
The things is I bought a Dragon60 LED panel and as you may know LED lights don't produce much heat, so this is becoming a problem to me. My grow room is 5,5 x 2,2 x 2,2 (1.70 x 70 x 70 cm) with a veg chamber of 2,2 x 2,2 x 2,2 (70 x 70 x 70 cm) and the flowering chamber is 3,2 x 2,2 x 2,2 (1.0 x 70 x 70 cm). It has a passive intraction system in both chambers
and the temperature is 16-18 °C most of the time(60.8 - 64.4 F°) So, my question is what is the cheapest system you know that I could implent to raise the temperature????

I wish I had this problem. My solution, set up a 1000w hps.


New Member
dude,I live in arctic conditions 10 months outta 12. I insulate my floor and cold walls w/ blueboard. Then my little heater hardly has to run to keep it 70 when its -40 outside.My next house will have in floor heat


Well-Known Member
Insulation will not keep the grow room warm because when there is nothing in the room that generates heat. Once the lights go out the temps will drop quickly, insulated or not.

What you need is a small space heater as others suggested, this will keep the room warm when lights are off.
I'm not sure you know what your talking about, Plants retain all sorts of heat. That's why police use thermal optics to look through your roof to find plants.

Cellular respiration in plants is slightly different than in other eukaryotes because the electron transport chain contains an additional enzyme called Alternative Oxidase(AOX). AOX takes some electrons out of the pathway prematurely - basically the energy is used to generate heat instead of ATP.


New Member
I'm not sure you know what your talking about, Plants retain all sorts of heat. That's why police use thermal optics to look through your roof to find plants.

Cellular respiration in plants is slightly different than in other eukaryotes because the electron transport chain contains an additional enzyme called Alternative Oxidase(AOX). AOX takes some electrons out of the pathway prematurely - basically the energy is used to generate heat instead of ATP.

agreed,but not enough heat to say so,They can't keep the buckets warm,or the air by themselves.The cops detect the heat from the lights.If they fly over and your lights are off,chances are the temps will blend better and be undetectable
The humidity the plants give off is a diff story