advice first grow

whats up, its my first grow ive got 2 plants one has been growing from seeds around 2-3 weeks and the other is around 1 month and a week im useing flo lighting im just a bit worried as ive seen plants on here that are around the same age and about 4 times the size of mine just wondered if i was doing any thing wrong ive got a N-P-K of around 10-10-10 being watered every 2-3 days the lightings times 22 on 2 off the temperture is around 25c-28c i have no idea what the ph is can one give sum advice, also is it possible to flower with flo's many thanx .peace

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Well-Known Member
i wouldnt worry doesn't look like theres much pH damage. good soil will act as a buffer.

they look a little light in color maybe mild nitrogen deficiency? (the main vegetative growth nutrient)
What kind of soil are you using? are you using supplemental nutrients when you're watering?

yes you can flower under floros but with decreased yield and less dense buds. Frankly though those plants don't look like they're behind or too stunted. They're pretty bushy (good thing) and it looks like you've avoided common first timer mistakes like overwatering, nutrient burn, nutrient lockout/ph issues. Overall a pretty decent grow. ;P
thanx mate umm im useing a feed in the water and soil it was soil for sprouting, bulbs (ect) they look a bit light because i left the flash on the camera so it was a bit bright i know the best for flowering is HPS but there fairly uncommon where i live so i just wondered wether i could get away with flo's u wouldnt know what sort of changes nned to be made for flowering? and how would i determin the sex of the plants i heard i could just change the lighting to 12 0n 12 off with the flo's im useing for a few weeks then when ive seen which is female and male i can turn it back to my normal cycle is that true? also do u think they look big enough yet to do that? sorry about all the questions i just want to be sure many thanx dude

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Well-Known Member
You shouldn't need to do anything different for flowering under flouros. Ya you're not gonna get the same yield but not a big deal. I'm not sure how much that light you've got there puts out but figure for a decent noob grow 1/2 gram/watt so when those plants get bigger you'll probably want to throw some more lights in there, for now though no stretching means they have enough!

I've read about people sexing that way but all i think it ends up doing is adding 2-4 more weeks onto the process because it confuses the plant when you switch it to flowering too early and then back to vegatative after it shows preflowers. Your best bet is to grow at 18/6 (more than that is generally accepted as a waste of power) until they show preflowers, which it will do naturally in another month or so.

You can flower before then if you like but generally any time after they show is okay. The question is how big you wanna grow them (but thats kinda moot under flouros)

Have you been through the GROWFAQ ?
ok thanx not to big around 10"-12" before flowering im just not sure on how long that will take i dont wanna wait another 2-3 months for that lol i will leave it a few weeks and see how big they are then , any tips for growing faster? cheers dude

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Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, get rid of the foil, creates hotspots and can burn your plants, use emergency blanket mylar or matte white paint.