Advice for finishing up a Nirvana Grow (White Widow\Blue Mystic\Northern Lights)

So this is more or less my first grow (here is the link if you care..not too interesting though )

I've got a Blue Mystic on her 7th week of flowering (a 7-9 week plant) and a white widow on her 8th week (an 8-10 week plant). The Northern Lights..I'll have to do some guesswork to figure out how long that has been flowering because that is a weird one, it was an autoflower but my digital timer got messed up with a move and the plants were only receiving 14 hours of light..somehow this made it keep vegging and it is now a very large and old autoflower! It has been under 12\12 for probably about 8 weeks now.

I've yet to get the chance to buy a magnifier from radioshack but hopefully I will get the chance to tomorrow. Any thoughts on how long they've got left? They are starting to get more and more orange by the day, and as of today the NorthernLights is even starting to turn a little orange (it is pretty far behind the others, JUST starting to form buds) And on a sidenote...the little sacs on the whitewidow kind of look like seeds to me for some reason..any thoughts? Thanks



Active Member
That indica (Blue Mystic) looks to be about 7-10 days from harvest, but the Widow and Northern Lights are at least 4 weeks from being ready. The plants look healthy and for your first grow, you've done a commendable job. The only problem I see is that you have clearly fed your plants too much nitrogen during the flowering phase. The leaves are very dark and the excess nitrogen will make your buds taste harsh. If I were you, I would begin flushing that Blue Mystic immediately with plain water and begin using a fertilizer with lower levels of Nitrogen for the WW and NL as well. After the second week of flower, I start feeding my plants blooming nutrients with NPK values of 0-10-10. If flowered properly, most of your fan leaves should begin yellowing approx. 4-5 weeks into 12/12. Believe me, it will improve the taste of your finished buds.