advice for new grower


Well-Known Member
here's a pic of my little baby. was hoping for any input or advice.
it's in a small closet with 2 27w cfl's. watering every other day and giving it nutes every other watering. using 5-10-5 right now. got a small fan goin always and i mist them 2 or 3 times a day. the temp is about 26-30 right now depending on time of day.



Well-Known Member
ive heard from lots of people that misting 2 or 3 times a day helps.

unfortunately i don't have a pic of the light setup but they are about 3 or 4 inches about the plant to the side a bit. i'll try to get a pic in a few days.


Well-Known Member
very much in the ballpark. it's 18 days old i think. i topped it like 4 or 5 days ago. will it get much taller or just branch out?


Well-Known Member
branch out i think never topped a plant before still on my 2nd grow dont want to mess with them at all Topping plants is for SOG grows topping = more yield like 2-5 grams more from each plant


Well-Known Member
yea this plant is just for clones basically. thats why i just what it to get bushy and then take as many clones from it that i can fit in the closet and then flower the little mom. i just bought some strawberry kush seeds so once this round is done with that'll be the next batch.


Well-Known Member
that thing is pretty sick, id use mylar or an emergency blanket.

also, wouldnt the cardboard be a bit of a fire hazard since it's basically touching the lights?


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin of gettin 2 more and getting those bulbs with 2 other sockets coming outta it and having 4 lights above it. but havin them a bit to the side so it grows up an out.


Well-Known Member
thats not sick, its really easy to make one :)

the light bulbs doesnt touch anywhere, you can take a closer look here bro ;)


Well-Known Member
i have 1 plant & i use 4 26 watt cfls & 1 46 watt cfl it seems to do very well. & the heat isnt to much. I also mist mine 2-3 times a day. It helps keep moisture in the leaves. but other then that they do great. I would get more lights man it would help a bunch


Well-Known Member
Topping will make it bush out more, so a good idea if you are just using it for clones. Instead of one growing tip you will now get two. If you top these then you will get four etc etc, but don't top more than two or three times. Misting so often is not such a good idea as it gradually leeches nutes out of your leaves. That is probably why they are looking a bit pale in colour (short of Nitrogen etc). The nutes you are using are not the correct N-P-K ratio for vegging. Use 12-12-12 or 20-20-20, or even one with a higher N to P and K ratio eg 15-12-12. Also marijuana likes to put it's roots deep, so try to make the most of your pot depth by filling it with soil and planting your seedlings higher in the pot. Also a good idea to mix perlite in your soil, about 25 % perlite or more. It's good for drainage and for aereating the soil which helps your plant to feed properly. Good luck with the grow and for the cloning ;)


Well-Known Member
wow thanks a lot man. that's some goood advice. i was noticing and kinda gettin a bit worried about the paleness of some of the leaves. i'll stop misting for a few days and see how she goes. and yea im only planning on taking a few clone cycles from this girl then switching strains.