Advice for using espoma brand farm and fleet organic fertilizer


Active Member
not sure about fleet but espoma is the shit. definitely use it. i add it to my hommade soil mix. it is inexpensive and good quality.


Well-Known Member
I use Espoma products as part of my dry organic amendments.

2 parts bonemeal (P)
1 part bloodmeal (N)
1 part kelpmeal (K)

1 part greensand - for Silica and Trace elements.
1 part lime - to stabilize PH and add more Cal + Mag

1 dose of a comprehensive beneficial bacteria and myco mix.

Top Dressings with High N guano during Veg and High P guano during Flower.


Well-Known Member
i use espoma as well. i have used plant tone ( 5-3-3-) and tomato tone ( 3-4-6 ). this year i am going to mix bio tone to pro mix and feed plant tone for veg and tomato tone for flower.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to come in with an off topic question but I'm trying to do some research before using these products again. I used some of the biotone starter mix with pro mix (indoors) and had all kinds of crazy spotting within days. I've got some garden tone and tomato tone left over and really want to use them (again, indoor with pro mix) but wanted some tips. I'd like to get to a just add water recipe, another thing that may or may not be a problem is that I am going straight from rooted clones (in keg cups) into 1 gallon pots to flower. Had decent success with osmocote plus (and ocassional liquid ferts) but would like to use the tomato tone instead to compare the taste etc. I'm just a little scared after my last experience. There were other things in there too like soil moist and worm castings.