Advice from pro please.


I'm having some blotchy, rusty looking spots just starting a couple days ago on fan leaves on my white widow?? It's in 5 gal fabric pot in pro mix hp, GH nutrients..... see pic, any input is awesome. Would like to take care of it before it becomes a problem.. very purple stems on the fan 20180204_115706.jpg 20180204_115726.jpg 20180204_115714.jpg leaves too...maybe it's nothing? Just thought would see what you guys thought. Thanks


Well-Known Member
have you looked for bugs? be careful how much fert you use in that medium. it's easy to over fert in those. pro mix might have fert in it already.


Well-Known Member
Are the stems soft and rubbery feeling from possible underfeeding nutrients?
Do you ph and check the ppms of you nutrients?
The ph looks good but what the ppms?


Yes i p.h. 6.0 and ppm is 550. I have hardwater that has been softened with water softener. I know thats not ideal, thats what ive been using from day 1 of has a ppm of 160. Would i be better to use water that has not gone through softener? I have 6 others and a few are showing burn on the tips but the others look really good imo.. what do yiu think?

Fractured but whole

Well-Known Member
Yes i p.h. 6.0 and ppm is 550. I have hardwater that has been softened with water softener. I know thats not ideal, thats what ive been using from day 1 of has a ppm of 160. Would i be better to use water that has not gone through softener? I have 6 others and a few are showing burn on the tips but the others look really good imo.. what do yiu think?
this is your issue. Get some r/o water from store and mix it with your hard water, not soft at 50/50
mix. or get a r/o unit for the hard water.


What if i cant gett r.o. water? Would my best option be to use water before it goes through softener??as in (hardwater) , or would that be worse?

Fractured but whole

Well-Known Member
What if i cant gett r.o. water? Would my best option be to use water before it goes through softener??as in (hardwater) , or would that be worse?
spring or drinking water works too. Hard will work, but if you could cut it in half with some thing filtered, it would be better


Well-Known Member
Getting R.O. system Thursday....
Might not need an ro system unless you want one. For me I was told that is what I need but im thinking of using half ro and half city tap water from now on since I have a ro system but havent gone to doing that. My ro filters are not that new and my ro water comes out at 30 ppms right now i was told that when it gets to 150 ppms that is a good indicator that my ro memebranes need to be changed. If your water is at 160 (i think that is your soft water ppm's or maybe just your hard water ppms idk) it might not be an expense that you need to take on. At any rate you dont want to run water softener water through an ro filter if you get one.


Well-Known Member
Look at the underside of your leaves very carefully.. Checking for spider mites.. Your leaves look healthy aside from looking like they're getting a touch to much "n"... The spots on the leaf seem abit small for me to say it's a cal or mag problem but that could be a possibility....


Well-Known Member
In my nonscientific mind I dont know crap about water softeners. They look like some sort of salt product because I tasted one as a kid and I have used it to melt snow. Its an additional expense to run all that water through it for water for a plant. The ro membranes are going to wear out then its going to let the water softener water blow by and get into your feed water. And then again in my nonscientific mind its going to kill all my microbes in my soil and be to salty for my roots and mess with my plants. It may be fine if you just need ten gallons a week but I dont think it would fine if you needed a lot of water.


10 gals is prob enough for me... i would rather have the piece of mind knowing what is in my feed water. Ill try it for now.. the softener is already in the house and r.o. system was $188 on amazon.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, i talked to a buddy of mine who sells r.o. systems he told me to run softwater through r.o. the hardwater will wear it out faster....
ok but did you tell him its for your plants???? or just hey dude can I hook up an ro system to a soft water system with him thinking your gunna drink it?? When you have root issues and stunted growth you will know where to start looking I guess.
