Advice is needed and appreciated

all im saying here is a marijuana plants doesn't need a dark cycle until flowering there has been no proof to what is better or worse what has been proven is that buds under 24 will grow shorter and stockier


Active Member
i sorta knew this would happen when i posted. i've read so many other post where people are arguing over 24:0 and 18:6. I don't know if it make a difference or not. This is my first grow. And I'm doing 24:0 bc its more convenient for me. I just wanted to know why I hadn't seen much progress since making these changes. but mostly every reply has neglected to answer that question.
sorry lol....i would say that they might be in a little bit of shock what kind of soil did u transplant them into? sometimes when a plant is in shock it may take 3-7 days to come out of it...but with cfls they grow pretty slow anyways and if ur gonna keep the 24hr cycle they will stay shorter.. witch if ur having a cfl grow short plants might not be such a bad takes about 2 months for plants under cfls to get aobut 1 foot tall maybe a little taller they really dont bang until flowering u can expect your plants to double there size from when u switch to 12-12 until first grow was vegged under cfls...then i said f it and looked on craigslist and got a 600w hps for 150 light ballast hood everything...might be an option for u if your looking to get a bunch of bud....but cfls work good and you can get a great yield out of them...its just hey have a lower spectrum rate so it takes a little longer....


Active Member
I actually do want to keep them shorter. don't plan on vegging any more than 5 weeks. I'm not looking for huge yields. Just an experiment for me. Something to occupy my time with. Which is why I went with the cheaper CFL option. here is a pic of 2 of the 3 plants. The 3rd is a master Kush plant too and is basically identical to this one. The NL plant has actually responded favorable to all changes, its branching out pretty well. Its the master kush that seems to have stopped growing. still the plants seem to be super healthy. time u grow try to get organic soil like fox farm or something its not much more in price and its not overloaded with nutes...what are you going to be using for nutes?
i would let them soke up the nutes in the scotts soil for a good 2-3 weeks or until u see signs of yellowing of the older leaves... before you start feeding them but other than that just water like you normally would....or flush out the nutes and start feeding......other than that i would let them go a few days and see how they do
yup fox farm grow big for vegging and fox farm tiger and big bloom for flowering.....i personally use ionic is alot cheaper and i think it works just as good..
let them be in scotts for about a week then start on week 2 half does just follow the instructions on........ ........... start out using half the dose the first week or 2 then bump it to full as long as u see no signs of nute burn.......make sure when ur watering u get distilled water...or let tap water sit out for 24hrs...then mix ur nutes into water THEN TEST YOUR PH AND ADJUST ....dont adjust ph before adding nutes...and dont mix nutes with other nutes with out water


Active Member
Thanks for all the help guys. I checked on the plants this afternoon and they seem to be progressing now. I did however see some dark brown spots on one of my plants. Looks like freckles. Plant looks healthy otherwise. Someone let me know if this is a threat and if so what should I do to get rid of them.