Advice needed on 9 oz. Cure gone wrong!!!


I have over 9 oz. of bud that has been in the jars for 30 days, and my problem is this: When I first put the buds in the jars and put a hygrometer in one of them overnight, the rH was only 45%! I read that curing only takes place when the rH is between 65% and 55%. After I harvested, I hung them to dry until the stems snap, like I have read to do, then jarred them. The buds are really good, smoke good; anyone who has smoked it has commented on how good it is. The buds feel real dry on the outside, but they're rock hard and don't crumble when you squeeze them.

So, I ordered the 62% Boveda packs and am wondering.... Does anyone with curing experience think I should put the Boveda packs in the jars to re-moisten the buds, or should I just leave well enough alone???? I'm worried that they will put too much moisture in the jars and cause mold! But, I'm also worried that my buds are too dry! Anyone who has experience with the Boveda packs, let me know what you think, PLEASE!!! Peace:blsmoke:
depends on what size bovida you got. I believe the small ones are good for 1oz but anyway throw 1 or 2 in you wont be dissapointed they are AMAING!!!!
I have used boveda packs. They work well at reintroducing moisture, I tend not to use them anymore unless something like what you're going through comes up. Also, sometimes it takes a good 30-40 hours for the RH to get all the way up in the sealed jar the first time. It takes a while for the water hidden in the stems to leech it's way towards the exterior. You might not be totally boned yet.
I've done a lot of work on curing and did some side by side comparisons with and without boveda packs. I tried out the C-vault as compared to jars. And some thoughts on RH while burping. If your curious they're in my started threads.
Sorry OP, you don't dry until the stems snap. I don't how you go that mixed up. You hang to dry until the thick stem below the cola breaks over easily, without snapping off. It you wait till the main stem can snap,. too late. And since this is deep moisture loss from the core, I don't think there is any way to get back.

What I do, is hang it until the most tiny stem can just snap off. Then the main stem can easily bend. Then I strip the buds and put them in a paper bag with a humid meter.

You have the details correct. I did the opposite with my first 9 oz. Jarred it too wet and it molded.

I did BHO extraction. The Meds are still there.
You're right, Someguy, I overdried them, for sure! Newbie mistake -won't do that again. The Boveda packs are 62% rH. I'm definitely going to give it a shot while keeping a very close watch.

Thanks, everyone! Peace
I have been told that if they get too dry there is no way back, sure you can reinterduce moist but the curing process have stopped ?

dunno, I often quick dry some for a early smoke (let em hang for a week or so, wile I jar most at day 4-5) and I also did exactly what you have done in the beginning, and they like yours are great smoke, sure a bit harsh/crispy but works just as well, and if you like me mostly smoke it on a bong/water pipe or similar and mostly are looking for a effect rather then taste it don't matter that much IMO tho well cured Bud`s are a better smoke overall, but not the end of the world for you, mold would be worse


in the "old" days we just used to put a potato or oranges pell in the jar for a few hours if they where really crispy
Doer, I got that shit straight off of RIU, from many sources! Then I found a couple that said not to wait until the stems completely snap, (Hell, I even found one that said to dry them to..."Cervantes touch"- WTF?? I mean, I know who he is, but how am I supposed to know what his touch is????) but it was too late by then. I didn't do that paper bag thing - I went straight from hanging to jars. You put them in the paper bags so they dry slower?

I wanna make sure I get this right on my current grow - only my second grow. I'm anxious to see if I can do a better job on my next harvest/cure!
I was about to suggest the same thing. Add a fresh, healthy, and green sun leaf (larger the better) to the jar'll find the buds moisture has come back some.
I know they won't go back and restart the curing process, that would be too good to be true! I just don't want my stuff to feel so dry and was wondering if it might moisten up a little without molding from the Boveda packs. As far as smoking, Slipon, you right! It doesn't matter so much to me as long as it's good and it is!!

Hey, Joe (where you goin with that gun in ur hand)! That's exactly what I want to do - re hydrate it! Thanks for your input!
I know they won't go back and restart the curing process, that would be too good to be true! I just don't want my stuff to feel so dry and was wondering if it might moisten up a little without molding from the Boveda packs. As far as smoking, Slipon, you right! It doesn't matter so much to me as long as it's good and it is!!

Hey, Joe, that's exactly what I want to do - re hydrate it! Thanks for your input!
I think the paper bag method is to extract more moist form the center of the Bud`s ?

I never used it, but like you found that totally snapping main branches = too dry Bud`s

need to snap maybe the smallest steams, wile the main only bend (for me with 22C and a RH around 45% it take 4-5 days, a week is too long)

tho when I jar em I often/always have to pull em from the Jars agin for half/a day (guess this do the same as the paper bag, the moist just stay in the Jar so if you don't pull em or attest keep the jars open and have`t filled them more then half your in risk of mold) this is often after a day or two, I use the opportunity to spread em out on the table and manicure em a bit more and then re-jar em, and agin, don't fill em more then 2/3 at max
Doer, I got that shit straight off of RIU, from many sources! Then I found a couple that said not to wait until the stems completely snap, (Hell, I even found one that said to dry them to..."Cervantes touch"- WTF?? I mean, I know who he is, but how am I supposed to know what his touch is????) but it was too late by then. I didn't do that paper bag thing - I went straight from hanging to jars. You put them in the paper bags so they dry slower?

I wanna make sure I get this right on my current grow - only my second grow. I'm anxious to see if I can do a better job on my next harvest/cure!

Well, what do you know? :)

RIU is wrong about a lot, and so is our perception of what we read when we are in a hurry.

Big stems vs small. Your humidity vs mine. Follow yourself. That what I do. And my journal is loaded with my failed experiments.

I'm not selling. See the difference? I know this is botany not cannabis special horticulture..

I know, for example, you don't have to change feed for bloom....I don't. Some of us, like Uncle Ben have been there done that. We tell our experience.

You do not need to know who Georg Cervantes is. You don't need to play the game. I did already for 2 years, and got me nowhere.

Think about it. This is such a rich money, black market product before MMJ, do you think anyone wants to teach the competition?

No. There there is so much fake lore, it isn't funny. Take cloning. Roots come from leaf node. If you don't have a leaf node, just a scrapped and split stem, it is not optimal. You won't get much roots.

How many cloning vids, will actual stress this? Not many.

Don't get anxious. The girls can sense fear.

It is all about you, my friend. All on you. :) And that is a good thing.
funny thing about cloning, I grow from seed, and never really intended to clone, but I hate to trow out cutting if I lollipop, so early on in the start I had a few on my hands and just place em in a cup of tap water (PH 7,8 ) in the window shelf, forgot about em, two weeks later I find em with 1cm of water in the bottom and a cup full of roots, been adding to my seeds ever since with a few clones now and then, if your in no hurry you don't need cloning gel and humidity domes aso tho I found shielding the water from the light speed up the process, and I also like to put a few drops of kelp in the water now, dunno if it make a different ?

keep it simple
You really should be careful who your listening to on this thread. I have zero interest or time to get into it with some guy on RIU, but at least half the info being thrown at you is really bad. Do your own research. There are a lot of really good articles out there. Look beyond RIU.

You out may have blown this one but you don't need a bunch of packets or bags for an amazing cure.
I use bovedas and would for sure recommend placing your over dried herbs in them IME they leave no taste when rehydrating. I like the 8g packs with between 1/2-1 oz per jar per boveda.