[Advice needed] Regarding the smell.

Hey guys, I have my first sprout, and even before knowing if it is a girl, my only concern is the smell. I have a decently isolated PC/CPU Case, with 2 12v PC coolers, 1 for getting air in, and another one for taking it out, the second one has a 1/2 an inch thick carbon filter (home made).
I want a small plant, between 10 and 20 inches tall (tied), so I was wondering if you guys could tell me what kind of smell should I be prepared for, because if I can't efficiently eliminate it without spending lots of money in an air purifier or something like that, I'll give it to a friend that lives alone.

I am really excited about growing, I've been reading a lot and it seems like quite an experience, but if getting rid of the smell is not really possible, I need to know it.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
As long as that exhaust fan is pulling air out enough, your homemade carbon filter should be enough for one plant. I think you'll be alright.
I doubt it will get bad, but if it does get noticeable, a jar of OnaGel near the outtake will kill it for you. It will be almost unnoticable anyways, but I'm not sure if you are hiding it from stoner roommates or if you are growing in a wall locker in the military.


Active Member
I doubt it will get bad, but if it does get noticeable, a jar of OnaGel near the outtake will kill it for you. It will be almost unnoticable anyways, but I'm not sure if you are hiding it from stoner roommates or if you are growing in a wall locker in the military.
second part was funny LOL. oh yea stick to neutradol or ONA gel for safety....
I doubt it will get bad, but if it does get noticeable, a jar of OnaGel near the outtake will kill it for you. It will be almost unnoticable anyways, but I'm not sure if you are hiding it from stoner roommates or if you are growing in a wall locker in the military.
Lol, I'll be hiding it from my parents, I'm not a kid that thinks growing weed is just "cool", but due to unfortunate/fortunate circumstances, I'll not be able to move out until this time, next year. And yes if they find out I'm kinda dead.
Thank you all for the replies!
Btw, any alternatives to Ona? I don't think we have anything like it here, I could order some on ebay, don't mind paying the shipping cost (seems to work quite well) however I am afraid that Customs will hold it for some bullshit reason.


Well-Known Member
Dont bother with Ona man. Bought some because I was in the same scenario with the smell. Didn't want to go all out with the Carbon Filter and got some Ona instead.... Worst 20$ I spent. Shit smelled for less than a week then it "died" on me. I would have to shake up the container to get the smell back and then it would only last a half hour tops.

1. Spend your effort on a good carbon filter setup

or 2. Get a 5gallon bucket.
Cut a hole in the lid big enough for a CPU fan to exhaust out.
Pour an entire bottle of Febrezze in, and then fill the rest with water. I think i used about 2-3 gallons of water.
Flip that switch and let your whole house smell like fresh clothes.... seriously. This one works GOOOD!


Well-Known Member
I had a ten inch dwarf that stunk up the whole property. It has more to do with the strain than the size I think. Right strain no problem, wrong strain and your dead meat.


How bout you don't grow weed in your parent's house that they pay for while they put a roof over your sniveling head, and learn responsibility and not put the risk on them as well as you by moving out prior to growing weed.

It doesn't matter what you think about them, it is their house, you live with them, you should respect them, didn't even say you should like them, but you should at least respect them. In my opinion.
Nobody asked for your thoughts about the respect I have for my parents, and I would appreciate if you didn't make any more incorrect conjectures about my personal situation. Personally, I would tell you to go fuck yourself for lecturing me, in such arrogant way, as if I were a 15 year old kid, but as you cast the first stone, I guess you are free from sin.


Well-Known Member
Nobody asked for your thoughts about the respect I have for my parents, and I would appreciate if you didn't make any more incorrect conjectures about my personal situation. Personally, I would tell you to go fuck yourself for lecturing me, in such arrogant way, as if I were a 15 year old kid, but as you cast the first stone, I guess you are free from sin.
Right behind you there dude, dbgrow wants to back down a bit...or is this the piss head forum?