Advice needed


New Member
Hey, I've started my first grow and have tried a few methods. But I would like some in-site on what you guys would have in mind to do next. i have two plants both about a month old started feb28. Just looking for good advice on how to continue. I'm using two 300 watt led, fox farm soil and nuts. Any advise wood be welcomed.


Well-Known Member
keep the soil on the outer edge moist don't let it get dry or the roots won't grow into it. mulch with alfalfa straw.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I've started my first grow and have tried a few methods. But I would like some in-site on what you guys would have in mind to do next. i have two plants both about a month old started feb28. Just looking for good advice on how to continue. I'm using two 300 watt led, fox farm soil and nuts. Any advise wood be welcomed.
if it were mine

I'd be taking clones


perhaps reversing one

to breed with the other or the same strain

many options are open to you

pics is good

good luck