Advice on cabinet needed, before built


Active Member

I'm building a grow cabinet inside of an old dresser, my idea is that i can have an continous grow with a veg room and flower room. On the side would be clones and mothers in a different place tho.

veg. room specs:
-2.5ft x 1.5ft x 2.5ft
-150 watt hps security light rigged
-Axial Fan 6" w/ Cord 235CFM + fan speed

flower room specs:
-2.5ft x 1.5ft x 2.5ft
-150 watt hps

what would be the best kind of hydroponics for this set up? If I grow it, it will be SCROG, if i could accurately find out how much i can get off a harvest, if you know the formula it'd be much appreciated.
thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
I'd push the wall over a tad to get a little more room in the flower chamber.. You're going to want it when you need to start bending a ton to cope with height..
Consider that for your hydro choice as well.. I suppose DWC could be kept lower than anything, drip systems will put your plant bases a MINIMUM 12" from the ground.. It is possible to do flood/drain systems with the resevoir above the roots, but it isn't simple/cheap.. Coco coir might be feasible simply hand watered.. Technically its still hydro, and it saves alot of height in comparison to simple hydro setups, while doing well in smaller pots than soil..
Your general ventilation sounds good, but don't forget little circulation fans..


Well-Known Member
I haven't really used it, but I've heard good things.. Its kind of like an organic version of rockwool.. It holds alot of moisture, but still allows roots to breath decently unless its submerged totally.. Can also be mixed with other mediums.. Dunno if its your best choice still.. DWC would require less constant care, and use the least height I think.. See what they say about minimal height hydro setups in that forum..