Advice on cuttings please!

Hi all,new to the site so hope this thread finds you all well!
I just had my first grow,the plant was well mature and flowering when i got it.

I want to take a dozen or so cuttings but every suitable,healthy stem is budding,my question is after taking the cuttings and setting them in cubes how do i get them back to a veg stage?hrs per 24 under floresents etc and when is best to put them under hps.I will be running a 600+400w,also some advice on nutes would be great:)
Thanks People:)


New Member
just put em under the light not too much more like a cfl or t5 and wait ..............gonna take awhile to reveg


Well-Known Member
yea, 24 hrs. light and about 3 weeks , she should be back in veg. will start kickin out single blade leaves at first, so dont be alarmed. actually they root faster imo, in flower. nutes for flower r what u want for rooting...peace brim ps. i,ve takin cuts in 6th week of flower wit no problems


Well-Known Member
get nice big cuts split the bottom of the stems with a razor put them in a pint of water not in direct light and check back in couple of weeks

(its so piss easy dunno why people make it so complicated)
Timeline is from 10/0/11 to 11/26/11. You'll want to clone as many buds as you can because I started with 8 clones and only two have made it. These are vegged under t5 at 18/6

I took these 2 weeks after the main harvest (kandy kush)

Put them in rockwool cubes

And here they are as of two days ago...
Hi all,How do these look?
Cuttings from a flowering plant,
should i trim those young buds off?
They are under 2x25w 18/6 the best way to go?
