Advice on hiding my shit?

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So without going into my life problems, my girlfriend of 5 years decided last night to "take a break" from our relationship for the first time ever. I think we will just permanently break up. She took two of our pets and a bunch of her stuff, and she went to her parents. I really don't want to dive into all the details, just that I'm heart broken. I am finding out from a mutual friend that she is claiming I was not acting myself last night and threw stuff. Like yo, none of that ever happened. We did have an argument, but it didn't escalate. I would never lash out like that. In 5 years I have never done anything remotely like that.

As I'm sure many here will empathize, I don't need pigs on my doorstep. I have 2 plants growing in a 2x4 tent. They are massive but they are still just vegging. I need to find a place to put these temporarily until all her stuff is moved out and door locks are changed and whatnot. I don't really have any friends or family where I currently live, nobody I trust with this sort of thing. It would really blow donkey piss to just throw them out. I need advice fast to manage this risk.

She might not ever bother to call the cops to facilitate a move out or anything, but the fact that she is lying about me throwing shit is a cause for concern.
So without going into my life problems, my girlfriend of 5 years decided last night to "take a break" from our relationship for the first time ever. I think we will just permanently break up. She took two of our pets and a bunch of her stuff, and she went to her parents. I really don't want to dive into all the details, just that I'm heart broken. I am finding out from a mutual friend that she is claiming I was not acting myself last night and threw stuff. Like yo, none of that ever happened. We did have an argument, but it didn't escalate. I would never lash out like that. In 5 years I have never done anything remotely like that.

As I'm sure many here will empathize, I don't need pigs on my doorstep. I have 2 plants growing in a 2x4 tent. They are massive but they are still just vegging. I need to find a place to put these temporarily until all her stuff is moved out and door locks are changed and whatnot. I don't really have any friends or family where I currently live, nobody I trust with this sort of thing. It would really blow donkey piss to just throw them out. I need advice fast to manage this risk.

She might not ever bother to call the cops to facilitate a move out or anything, but the fact that she is lying about me throwing shit is a cause for concern.
Take some cuttings. Put them in a plastic baggie, throw em in the fridge. Trash the rest. Start over. That's the only option I see for you, unless it's warm where your at, and you can keep em outside for the day, and thats only if you have a spot you can move then to, unseen.
Dude I know that technically its still illegal in most states but.....I'd say fuck it and let them right where they're at. You dont mention kids or a custody battle about to happen. I would hope your local LE has better things to do than handcuff a guy with 2 plants vegging. Here, people are dying all around me from OD's and shootings and shit like that. I dont worry bout my couple plants these days.
...But if they are going to make you paranoid having them there you might as well chop 'em. It wouldnt be worth stressing on either way.
Advice from a state that was illegal until a few weeks ago - Those plants are nothing but a giant liability right now. Take cuts to preserve them, and get rid of whatever you’re not “supposed” to have. Someone can easily have a change of heart for the worst, and decide to press charges for a domestic violence type of situation. You can even be arrested, until you can prove your innocence in court. If arrested, more than likely police will tear through your stuff and find it anyway. Warrant be damned, you are not in a position of power to negotiate from, and nothing good will come from it.
Thank you all for advice and understanding. I am adding taking cuttings to my to do list. Just to help further weigh the situation, I am in a medical only state, the limit for medical patients is 2 plants, I don't have a medical card, and I am also a firearm owner. The last point is really what scares the shit out of me. I don't need to lose my rights over this.

I am a (mostly - exception of pot) law abiding citizen, have no criminal record, never domestically assaulted anyone, never even been in a fight at the bar. I'm not exactly sure why she would make that shit up other than just to hurt me or my reputation. Basically what happened is she told me on Christmas eve that one of our mutual friends (who is married to another mutual friend) is her ex boyfriend. She dropped that shit on me and I have been depressed for days. I have doubts about getting over that, but I at least tried. I took her out for a $150 dinner date literally the night before this went down, boned the next day, everything seemed to be getting better. Egos be fragile at this point, and she ignored a flirty text I sent. When she got home, I came upstairs, raised my voice/said what I needed to say, then went back downstairs. I took a shower, and like a whole ass hour later I found out she packed up all sorts of things and took two of our three pets and left. Someone pointed out I didn't mention kids - no kids involved, thank god.

It just fucking sucks man..
Ive had a similar scenario happen. Gather ALL of her stuff or anything with ownership even possibly being debated and put it in a box close to your front door for any possible unexpected visits. If shes being vindictive as breakups can be messy and pushing to come inside anyway (maybe even with police) id have the tent disassembled and hidden and the plants ideally somewhere that wouldnt be checked. (spare closet, basement, attic, shower, etc.)

Even if you need to hack the top 1/3 or even half of the plants off and put em in cardboard boxes that can be better than starting over, plus you'll end up with more tops in the end anyway haha.
Take some cuttings. Put them in a plastic baggie, throw em in the fridge. Trash the rest. Start over. That's the only option I see for you, unless it's warm where your at, and you can keep em outside for the day, and thats only if you have a spot you can move then to, unseen.

I'm wondering if putting them in the freezer would be fine, too? Or is the fridge the way to go? I have a chest freezer in the basement that will be pretty safe.
How pissed is she? 5 years is s decent amount of time to be in a relationship, I'd hope one night of arguing wouldn't cause her to snitch to the cops. But if you're here asking for advice, I'm guessing it's a real possibility she might. Are yall even talking anymore? Maybe ask her not to? Try and separate as amicable as possible and maybe there's nothing to worry about?
Don't take your chances with what side of the bed some city judge woke up on. Not worth it to chance it. 2 little cuts can quickly be food processed away. 2 big ass plants can't should the police unexpectedly come knocking. When emotions are running high, anyone can become incendiary, drop bombs and walk away. Any guilt or hard feelings won't come until it's too late.
Any guilt or hard feelings won't come until it's too late.
This is the part that really sucks. A five year relationship is no trip to the playground once things turn sour. Things will be said, things are also sometimes done out of anger, and it's never at the moment.. but days.. maybe a week later things come crashing back down to reality & it's way too late to back pedal. What's done is done.. once a fire is lit.. someone always get's burned.
If it's only for a day go put them in the woods somewhere or backyard and tarp over them. But legally if you put a lock on your door where they are the police can't go in there without search warrant. I wouldn't sweat 2 plants anyway. I had cops at my door to investigate my house because the neighbors smelled weed. I simply said no
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