advice on hlg blackwing

It’s a 650w light, way to much for such a small tent also the light itself is larger than the area of the tent. You want like 150-200w max for that small a space. Take your pick pick of full spectrum lights around that wattage with a 2.5umol/j ppfd they all work.
are the 50 dollar ones of quality though? i have heard if it isn’t a reputable company it can be sketchy.. but some info now a days isn’t always correct
Only had it a couple weeks but they seem pretty well built at $50 though if I get a year or two out of them I’m not gonna trip, hell with 3 In a 2x4 I don’t see pushing past 70% even in flower so they should be good for 3+ years
Not yet, but they do measure up on the par meter. It’d be weird to lie about 150watts too.

The fact that a light can be built and sold for $55 bucks shows how marked up grow light prices are. Seems like a person could buy the light, run it and if it died reverse engineer the build. I'm no light tech but have spent some time looking at what others here have bought and built in the DIY section. I bet you could rebuild it with better strips and driver using the frame and other parts and still be into it for cheaper than many other lights available on the market today.
If you could check that out wold be great. Too many .5 Power Factor piece of shit China electronic invading our homes through Amazon these days :peace:
Does seem that prices on many lights out or coming out recently have come down. Reviews of more than a few tested left the tester surprised at the quality. I'm hoping to see some of the cheaper 400 to 600 watt bar lights tested. If they test out as well as some of the smaller entry level lights have the big brands in the grow light industry might rethink their price structure. Be nice if the prices the farms are able to get through bulk buying could be extended to the home grower. The strain indoor growing puts on our national power grid is sizeable, as more states begin to decriminalize and legalize sale and production getting those new and older growers to adopt to LED is important. HID maybe cheap to purchase but their energy consumption is high and light output per watt to low. People are moving and setting up grows in places like OK because energy prices are cheaper than the west coast or Colorado but once the summer heat comes those same lights are also going to require AC. With aging energy grids further strain and load is a growing concern. Cheaper LED's are better for everyone in the long haul.
Does seem that prices on many lights out or coming out recently have come down. Reviews of more than a few tested left the tester surprised at the quality. I'm hoping to see some of the cheaper 400 to 600 watt bar lights tested. If they test out as well as some of the smaller entry level lights have the big brands in the grow light industry might rethink their price structure. Be nice if the prices the farms are able to get through bulk buying could be extended to the home grower. The strain indoor growing puts on our national power grid is sizeable, as more states begin to decriminalize and legalize sale and production getting those new and older growers to adopt to LED is important. HID maybe cheap to purchase but their energy consumption is high and light output per watt to low. People are moving and setting up grows in places like OK because energy prices are cheaper than the west coast or Colorado but once the summer heat comes those same lights are also going to require AC. With aging energy grids further strain and load is a growing concern. Cheaper LED's are better for everyone in the long haul.
This cat in on another level with this... Wish that more people on here were like this...
Diodes and drivers are cheap, and if you have mass production like these Chinese companies do(given state interest in hemp I’d wager a few are party owned) things get real cheap. Hell some Chinese electronics companies sell certain products at a loss just to increase their market share.
Diodes and drivers are cheap, and if you have mass production like these Chinese companies do(given state interest in hemp I’d wager a few are party owned) things get real cheap. Hell some Chinese electronics companies sell certain products at a loss just to increase their market share.
Seriously doubt state sponsored hemp farms in China are indoor. Maybe a tiny percentage is grown indoor to be considered organic or if being used for CBD. (Not sure if it's legal in China) The hemp textile industry doesn't care about controlled environments after seeing outdoor hemp fields in the US. I can see huge plantation grows like the cotton industrial complex has with processing and manufacturing sites on the same properties. China maybe a Communist country but when it comes to industry their way ahead of most countries including the US in many areas.