Advice on LED grow lights

Hi, ive been looking into buying a LED grow light for a week or 2 now, im currently running a 1.2 grow tent with 600w hps and digital ballast for my flower room and for my veg room I only have a 2 foot 4 tube t5 and its not really good enough to get my plants ready for flower as soon as my others finish... my veg room is 3x3 foot and about 4 high. I veg 4 plants at a time while 4 are flowering.

Ive been looking at the prakasa ufo and the vipar ufo, are these any good? I dont want to buy a piece of crap that doesn't work, does anyone have any experience with either of these lights? Or could someone recommend what lighting would be best for my space? I dont mind spending extra cash for top if the range LEDs as long as there from the uk cos its a lot less hassle if something goes wrong.
what are the best uk leds on the market? Thanks


Well-Known Member
If you're handy with a soldering iron then you can diy. I made myself 2 LED fixtures which are perfect for vegging, and would be good in 1.2m2. They aren't you're traditional panel LEDs, which you might want to consider as an alternative. You can also build those yourself, buying the bits you need from rapidled dot com.

That way you can guarantee the quality of the led chips, which will ultimately determine whether your LEDs will give you good growth or not.


Well-Known Member
BTW, talking about LEDs, only ever buy panels (if you don't fancy DIY) if they specify which chips they use. CREE, Bridgelux, Philips or osram are the chip manufacturers to look for.
Thanks for you're reply, ive got something to go on when looking for LEDs now (im not good with soldering iron) lol.. I can start looking for a nice LED that uses either, cree,bridge,phillips or osram :) would a 90w ufo cover my veg area ok? Or would a 150w pannel be better do you think? Thanks
Ive just had a look on a perfect site for making youre own led, so thanks for that.
I have a mate that would be able to make me a nice LED so I might give that a go.. one last question, would I buy all the same colour leds or a mixture? Cheers


Well-Known Member
My personal take is that mainly white with a few blues is perfect for vegging. My white LED thread (in my sig) should give you an idea of what sort of short bushy plants you can expect do grow under pure white LEDs.
@shamone81 Yeah I've been looking at the Viper LEDs they seem very good value for money, im defo leaning towards Viper now...Cheers GrowinDad I've not heard of Area51 LEDs before I'm gonna have a search for them now. . Any links appreciated :) thanks