Advice On My Clones?


Hi any advice on my clones on how they are looking ?

They are in a 1.2x2.4x2.0 tent,
2 x 600w HPS ( Only one in use atm though )
Nutrient PH 6.2
Temps Day: 77-81 Night 65+
Humidity is low most of the time around 30 so i mist 2 or 3 times a day to try raise it
Medium: Coco Coir
Pot size:15 ltr

Planted them on the 19th of october and to be honest there hasn't been as much growth as i thought, within 3 days of planting i saw new shoots coming up, But it hasnt changed alot since growth is going slow compared to last time, Any ideas ?

My humidity is kind of low around 30, so i have bowls of water, wet towels and misting to try raise it as much as possible. Feeding about a 500ml water when it drys up thats about once every 24hours or more sometimes. I have put a few bottes on top of the clones to try make a humidity dome, so far i think its helping slightly.
Been feeding just water for last week, Just started adding a drop of Coco A+B to see if it helps.

Odd bit of yellowing and curling tips on some of them too, They are all under 1 light atm while they are small.

I dont get why growth rate is going this slow, I have seen journals and my last grow and by now id atleast have a couple more leaves, Any ideas ?
Been thinking of buying a root booster such as rhizotonic, think that will help ?
Heres some pics liakon92-267843-albums-pictures-picture1862689-img-20111028-00051.jpgliakon92-267843-albums-pictures-picture1862687-img-20111028-00049.jpgliakon92-267843-albums-pictures-picture1862688-img-20111028-00050.jpg

Any advice much appreciated guys


Active Member
Maybe too much nutes for small plant . 6.2 seems to be on the high end (?) & some nutes uptake is slowed, what type of water are you using ? That also leads to lockout sometimes.
Someone more knowledgable will be able to pinpoint, Im a learner . . .


Active Member
I would start by using a seedling mix with little or no nutrient charge. keep the ph between 6.5-6.8 and put under cfl or t5. Also go to Wal-mart and get a cool mist humidifier for when you start veg.
Also your containers are too big for starting clones. I also agree with the cutting made easy thread. I start with seedling trays cut in 9 cup squares and use a tall square water bottle w/the top cut off for my humidity dome. I have about a 95% sucess rate.


Well-Known Member
im no pro but heres my thoughts. your containers are pretty big so the plant is focusing on the root system right now, give it some more time and see what happens, im thinking once the roots get situated they will have a big growth spurt.

also did you root them before you planted them or just cut and planted? if you just snipped and planted without rooting first they may not even have developed any roots yet and thus will not grow any bigger untill they do.

setup looks nice, best of luck to ya.

ps i had some plants i started from seed that went through a growth stunt when i planted them into thier bigger pots, after about 2 weeks they came out of it and they grew pretty good afterwards.


Active Member
-I don't know about the use of a bottle as a humidity dome, seem kinda like suffocating it. Lose the dome, I have one and I never use it, when I do use it, its when I know I won't be around to mist them myself the day of or day after cutting, I just mist them 2-3 times a day for the first couple days, and thats it. I feel like the dome and constant moisture are bad and that misting them and letting them get dry is more incentive for them to start rooting, but I am no scientist. Keep the soil slightly moist, but not too wet at all, wet=weight and heavy dirt seems like resistance for the roots(this was the mistake I was making when I first started, I thought that because they were doing the standard clone drooping, that they needed more water, and I just kept misting the plant and the dirt like a crazy person). Don't feed them anything but water until you have a good amount of roots they don't need it and nutes are expensive. Keep them off the ground/keep the medium warm. Heating pad was probably the greatest addition I made to my cloning process.


Hi thanks for the replys guys, And i didnt clone these, i bought them already cloned some had better roots than others though.

Do you think using a root stimulator such as Rhizotonic would help? I have read it works wonders in growing roots rapidly.



The clones have come on really well from before growing rapidly now since giving them Rhizotonic, Except theres one with leaves that look abit 'plasticy' and really green and curled, Tried getting best pic i could below, Any ideas of what it could be ?

All temps and that are same as before, Feeding a a small amount of rhizotonic and coco a+b around every 2 days (thats when the medium dries up), Most of the others are going really well and are nice and green apart from the odd brown tip.

Also on one of the leaves of the others, there is like abit of yellowing with a brown in it too like a burn mark, The light is abit of a distance away and doesn't feel hot so cant be burning them because its the odd one, any idea on whats causing that ?


Heres a few pics:


from what i learned about lights its not about burning them in this stage, burning them would be waaaay to much light. as clones they need very little to begin with to force their roots to grow. i keep my cfls about 20inches away. 2 26w 6500k and they get what they need.


Well-Known Member
Were they rooted prior to planting? Make sure you have good root development before putting under the bigger light, those ones are not going to work if thats all they grew in 3 weeks, start again and leave in clone box/area for at least 14 days.