Advice on my first indoor setup


Well-Known Member
Next run drop the autos/container size is fine/hps straight through is also fine if budget is tight/mg soil and soluble ferts are ok, make sure to use straight water twice between recommended INDOOR feedings(salt buildup is no bueno).

Good luck grower


Well-Known Member
I can't afford two lights and since my main crop will be SOG having being able to effectively flower with the light is more important to me.

I went to the hardware chain that's in my region all they had was MG potting soil too. Sad. The only ferts they had was MG as well. They had seedling mix though, I was thinking of making a little hole and putting the seedling mix in the bucket with the seed. I hear MG can burn young plants easily so this may be a good idea?
-If you cant afford both lights I would go HPS, considering its more effective in both veg and flowering stage, compared to Mh which is more suited to veg.
-Its ok to go with MG soil, just be sure not to feed until a month goes by, even then start off slow, with a small amount of fert
-I don't know about mg ferts as I have never used it, Ive heard bad things, I would go with some inexpensive ferts on
-Like dutch masters or spend a little more and get GH floranova