advice on my grow


ok so this is my second time growing and i hope to get my plants through flowering this time (last time i had to leave for a few days they got scorched it was tragic). Im growing under 4 23 watt 5700 k and 2 42 watt 2700 k cfl lights i also have one 12 inch hood i bought from lowes. I have a fan running in the room but not on the plants and ive been keeping the temp around 75, dont have any way to test humidity im building my growing supplies as i go and as many of you know this theres so many things to buy. I havent fed the little ones yet and i just gave my larger ones there first meal of shcultz 10-15-10 , and ive been giving all of them floralicious plus 1-0.8-0.02 and rapid start rooting enhancer 1-0.5-1 since they were little i had a minor bug problem and i sprayed them with some bug b gone and i havent seen bugs since. Now the main problem is that on some of the leaves there is a little bit of brown and yellowing and i have some deformed new growths i dont really know what i should do to be honest ive researched and reasearched and cant find anything im thinking maybe i need to transplant and maybe use a different soil this time (i used foxfarm starter soil)IMG_20130510_225525.jpgIMG_20130510_225514.jpgIMG_20130510_225507.jpgIMG_20130510_225450.jpgIMG_20130510_225443.jpgIMG_20130510_225431.jpgIMG_20130510_225413.jpgIMG_20130510_225332.jpg


Well-Known Member
You definitely need to replant! the roots have nowhere to grow. I wouldn't start introducing nutes yet, especially if your soil has some in it. I'm not sure what bug b gone is but I would be careful spraying such young plants.


Well-Known Member
I should say repot the little ones in the trays.

The soil in the pots doesn't like there is much perlite for drainage to me.


I was planning on changing out only the best little ones today but do you think the larger ones are ready for repotting. and do you think i should simply add more lights or opt for better lighting im on a pretty tight budget and have been slowly aquiring my growing utensils but cant afford an hps setup cfls seem like the most cost effective method at this point any suggestions.


Active Member
Only the first picture shows serious signs of stretching, the plants in the bigger pots seem fine. Try just moving the light closer if they're stretching like that, CFLs can get pretty close to the plant.


thats probably the problem i have them under the same lights as the big ones and ive of course had to move the lights up for them im gonna replant the best 4 of the little ones (theyre from bagseed so i have tons of seeds) and change my setup a little maybe that will help. Now my main question that as i see i didnt really ask was ive noticed a little bit of yellowing and deformed growth on the larger plants and im not sure what im doing wrong i wait until theyre fairly dry before i water and i let my water sit for 24 h before i water i ph between 6-7 and have just started using ferts on the larger ones the babies have only had the rooting stimulator(i had good luck with that when i started my last grow) i just want these guys to be healthy and there are so many conflicting theories on how to grow and what to use i dont care about the best method i just would like to know an effective method to get some stanky nugs.


Active Member
thats probably the problem i have them under the same lights as the big ones and ive of course had to move the lights up for them im gonna replant the best 4 of the little ones (theyre from bagseed so i have tons of seeds) and change my setup a little maybe that will help. Now my main question that as i see i didnt really ask was ive noticed a little bit of yellowing and deformed growth on the larger plants and im not sure what im doing wrong i wait until theyre fairly dry before i water and i let my water sit for 24 h before i water i ph between 6-7 and have just started using ferts on the larger ones the babies have only had the rooting stimulator(i had good luck with that when i started my last grow) i just want these guys to be healthy and there are so many conflicting theories on how to grow and what to use i dont care about the best method i just would like to know an effective method to get some stanky nugs.
Easiest way to fix the stretching problem is just to set shorter plants (before they stretch) on top of buckets/boxes or something to get their canopy at about the same height as the taller plants.

I'll let somebody with more experience suggest what might be wrong with the plants themselves though.


*update* i repotted the little ones a few moments ago and now its just to wait and see id still any advice on the strange leaves on the larger one please and thanks


Active Member
From the picture alone it looks like either overwatering or Nitrogen deficiency, but you shouldn't be having nutrient deficiencies at this age/size.

What kind of soil are you using?
How long have the plants been growing?
Did you start from seed or clone?
How often (and how much) do you water?


Im using fox farm starter soil , the bigger ones have been growing four weeks from the seed and the little ones about 2 weeks, i waited dangerously long to transplant i just put them in solo cups hours ago. the big ones are from some ok bag seed and the little ones are also from bagseed but a higher quality. I wait until the top inch or so is all the way dry and i give 400ml on the bigger ones and maybe 50 ml on the smaller ones(i usually dont go by mls i just water until i have 25% runoff) it seems as if its taking alot longer for these to dry out than last time i grew like 4-5 days now, 2-3 days before.


Active Member
How long have the bigger plants been in their current soil? If they've been in that same soil for a month then yeah my best guess would be Nitrogen deficiency. You said you just recently fed them some veg nutes right? I'd give them 2-3 more days and see if the problem corrects.


Active Member
I transplanted the big ones 2-3 weeks ago, ive started losing track of time lol.
Haha it happens, for most of our 3rd week of veg we thought we were in our 2nd week and it confused us for days. 3 of us couldn't figure it out until I looked at some receipts and realized we transplanted a lot earlier than we thought.

I'm betting your plants were just out of Nitrogen. If so the nutes you gave them should perk them back up within a few days. I'd keep checking in on this thread though and updating it, get more opinions. Within 2-3 days they should look good again if it was a Nitrogen issue.

A side note though. I noticed you said you have a fan running not on your plants. Once your plants have rooted and been transplanted, I would definitely have at least one oscillating fan blowing on them. This simulates wind and causes the plant to have to thicken its stalk to support itself. Thickened stock transports more nutrients more efficiently, and helps support more weight. We currently have 6 oscillating fans (4 large 2 small) in our room for 17 plants. I like to see the leaves of every plant constantly twitching. As the plants get taller, pushing air up toward the undersides of the leaves helps with CO2 replacement as well, and if you have >30% humidity, oscillating fans will also greatly help in preventing bud rot during flowering. I love airflow.


Only the first picture shows serious signs of stretching, the plants in the bigger pots seem fine. Try just moving the light closer if they're stretching like that, CFLs can get pretty close to the plant.
Have to agree with WayBaked. The smaller plants are stretching due to the light being too far away most likely. Is there anyway you can replant the smaller ones in separate containers? I use solo cups at that stage before upping to my 3 gallon pots.


thats probably the problem i have them under the same lights as the big ones and ive of course had to move the lights up for them im gonna replant the best 4 of the little ones (theyre from bagseed so i have tons of seeds) and change my setup a little maybe that will help. Now my main question that as i see i didnt really ask was ive noticed a little bit of yellowing and deformed growth on the larger plants and im not sure what im doing wrong i wait until theyre fairly dry before i water and i let my water sit for 24 h before i water i ph between 6-7 and have just started using ferts on the larger ones the babies have only had the rooting stimulator(i had good luck with that when i started my last grow) i just want these guys to be healthy and there are so many conflicting theories on how to grow and what to use i dont care about the best method i just would like to know an effective method to get some stanky nugs.
You should probably not use ph down. More dangerous than helpful when using soil usually, mess up once and they will fry.

Just use RO water or dollar store water they are usually around 6.5 - 7 ph when you add nutes it goes down a little too.


You should probably not use ph down. More dangerous than helpful when using soil usually, mess up once and they will fry.

Just use RO water or dollar store water they are usually around 6.5 - 7 ph when you add nutes it goes down a little too.
The water comes out of my tap at about 5 so ive actually only been using the ph up if that helps, plus i always make up my water for my next watering everytime i water so it has a chance to sit for a couple days getting rid of any chlorine etc.


Have to agree with WayBaked. The smaller plants are stretching due to the light being too far away most likely. Is there anyway you can replant the smaller ones in separate containers? I use solo cups at that stage before upping to my 3 gallon pots.
I actually did replant all of the little ones yesterday and added a couple more 6700k 23 watt cfls to my setup building slowly but gettng there. IM gonna post some new pics here in a minute ive seen tremendous improvement but it could always get better.


Your tapwater has a ph of 5 really ? Beer has a ph of 5 too :-P sure your using the right tap ? lol

Makes me think your ph meter is not working correctly.
According to the EPA, a pH of 5-6 or lower has been found to be directly toxic to fish :spew:

More reason to get RO water or even bottled water for the babies. Older plants will handle it better.

Same for ph up also one mistake and they fry.

They will probably be just fine, sounds like you are on top of the situation.