Advice on Pruning.

I can trim the water leafs and others so my buds can get more light right? See I always thought the more leafs the more light they get to help photosynthesis along. But I guess if the buds themselves get more direct light that might be different. If I can, how much leaves cause I don't want to send my plants into shock. Last question, whats the ideal temp? Eggs and bacon, Woohoo

Smucker G

Active Member
I only trim lower dying leaves. The healthy one that block light I just tuck behind the buds. Daytime I stay around 80 and 70-75 nights.


New Member
I keep my room between 68 and 82 degrees f. I do most pruning before I put the plants into flower, but once the bud sites start to be covered by a large water leaf, i will pluck some of those to keep light coming in, but do not pluck too much. It can stress them and turn them hermie if you do too much.Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Dont trim your fan leaves (big leaves) off, they are your solar panels that bring energy into the plant.. I prune most of the lower branches off so that energy goes towwards the top of the plant, the light penetration is usually not very good with the lower branches anyway (in my setups).

I keep my room temp at 70-75.