Advice please! Missed leaching/cropping window!


Well-Known Member

So obviously this is a first time grow for me because I made a very newb mistake. My plant is ready to be cropped off, all the pistols are 100% amber and she's done. Problem is, it's done 3 weeks earlier than what I expecting and I JUST stopped the nutrients a few days ago. So my question is this, should I crop off now and deal with the bad taste of the nuts or should I continue to use straight water and leave it for another couple weeks. Which is better, to leave the buds growing too long or to have the taste of nuts in the smoke?



Well-Known Member
what about the color of the trichs? Depending on what those tell you I'd say give them a good flush now and wait a few days before harvest.


Well-Known Member
heavy water... not enough to make a pond of course, but make sure to use enough that you get more than a drip from the drainage holes of your containers. Once that's done I would say wait 3-5 days before harvest but seeing as yours are good to go, 2-3 days should be enough to get most of the nute flavor out of your gold


Well-Known Member
Flushing plants is using 2-3x the amount of water to soil you have in a a 3 gallon pot would need 6-9 gallons of water to properly flush.

Near harvest you need to start flushing 2 weeks before harvest day to ensure all your nutes are completly gone. You would flush 3-4 times in that 2 week course.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member

So obviously this is a first time grow for me because I made a very newb mistake. My plant is ready to be cropped off, all the pistols are 100% amber and she's done. Problem is, it's done 3 weeks earlier than what I expecting and I JUST stopped the nutrients a few days ago. So my question is this, should I crop off now and deal with the bad taste of the nuts or should I continue to use straight water and leave it for another couple weeks. Which is better, to leave the buds growing too long or to have the taste of nuts in the smoke?


Most likely your budds are not truely finished. You said they are 3 weeks ahead of schedule. all the pistols are 100% amber. They do not tell you if the plant is ready. The Trichromes are what tell you the truth, Go to Radio shack, for $9.95 you will get a 60-100X mini microsope, pluck a little leaf from one of the buds and look at it, all clear, you have a long time. all cloudy, then watch close. when 15-40% turn amber, depending on taste HARVEST.. Check the TRICHS!!!!!!!