Advice Please, outdoors moving in to CFL

  • Friends,

    Got kind of a unique situation and need some guidance. I have a plant that got started late and took FOREVER to begin to veg (was thinking it was a dud and headed for the compost, then started popping little buds all over around the end of September). It's in a pot outdoors (moveable) and I don't know the strain - had Sup Silver Haze seeds and White Widow seeds that got mixed. Leaf shape looks hybrid and the plant is pretty tall, at least 5' or so. Anyway...

    We're now at the end of October and it's about to frost here in the northeast. So I need to get this plant indoors so it can continue to do its thing as long as possible and max the yield. Don't have any kind of indoor grow set up currently so I'm gonna try and pull together an inexpensive CFL situation to finish her off.

    Based on what I've read I believe I'd want warm white CFLs of the highest wattage I can find at Home Depot (or wherever).

    Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the fact that I'm bringing it inside late in the season from a sunlight perspective, but fairly early from a budding perspective. Should I tweek the anything about the bulbs? Should I go 12/12?​

    School me up peeps​


ii dP ii

absolutely go 12/12

get 40w warm white from Home Depot.... they're kinda pricey though, maybe you'd be better off buying the bulk packs of the 23w... either way, your choice.

rig up lights EVERYWHERE. with a plant that's 5' tall already you will need A LOT of CFL's all around the sides, top, everywhere. on two small LST'd ladies, I was running over 400 ACTUAL WATTS (not equivalent) of CFL. so that's something like 14-20 bulbs. keep them no further than 2 inches from your plant otherwise they're useless.

CFL's DO get hot, so think about ventilation. it'll be an issue with the amount of bulbs you'll be using...

and on the subject of going from out to inside, CHECK FOR BUGGERS!! they're sneaky and they hide and with a plant as big as yours it'll be hard to catch em. but keep your eyes peeled.

most of all GOOD LUCK, I've never seen a plant that tall go under CFL's before so should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
No snub:).....I think me and Dp gave you very similar responses in two different threads.She might start to re-veg if you don't have enough light......and maybe you should go with a 11/13,11 hours of light,13 hours of dark.GL