Advice: Very Best Way to quick dry


Well-Known Member
the OP is talking about the best way to quick dry...of course its not the most ideal way to dry your bud lol but it is the best way to quick dry bud. About a week before harvest..and only if Im out of bud I snip a bottom popcorn bud and quick dry it in my 55W 2700K cfl bulb and like the OP takes about an hour. The taste is smells like fresh cucumbers but it gets you ripped. I don't understand why some of you idiots even post...maybe it makes you feel better to be so negative? Do yourselves a favor...smoke a joint and move on!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I love the way so many accuse each other of not smoking dope right!

Bad Pothead! No Funyuns!

dope smoking ability? all i could see in my head was Baron Von Wulfhausen standing over the fallen Wolfhouse boys in Beerfest...

"So, you are the progeny of Johann. I am guessing that he is the one who taught you how to drink beer!"

maybe we should all train at high altitude, and smoke ram's turds!

If you like smoking quick-dried dope, knock yourself out! it wont hurt nobody! if you like drying and curing for over a year before you burn your fist gram, enjoy the fruits of your patience. If you prefer to smoke the male flowers in a chillum pipe shaped like an oversized exaggerated lifelike rubber penis, then you too are welcome to enjoy your weird weed fetish. I'm not hating on your game... ok maybe a little on the cock thing.


Well-Known Member
Best way to quickdry is with a hair dryer and a sock. It works best with a hair dryer that has heat and cool settings.

Get a sock that isn't fuzzy, flip it inside out. Put some broken up popcorn nugs inside it and put it on the end of the hair dryer. Alternate the cool and hot settings every 2 minutes or so and in less than 10 minutes (depending on how much you put in there) and you have dry, smoke able buds.


Well-Known Member
My personal favourite way is put a few small buds, or broken up bigger buds, in a tobacco tin on a radiator. You have to keep an eye on it, at the first sign of crackle on the outer parts transfer the herb to an old 35mm film case (specific I know, but what I use). Put this in the tin, and this back on the radiator. Again, keep an eye on it. Basically the film case does a quick dry and quick cure all in one. When it evenly moist/dry again in the film case, put it back in the tin, back on the radiator. Repeat untill it's how you like it. You do loose the flavour (well I always seem to, except with some haze), and the burn aint always the greatest. But it does work.


the OP is talking about the best way to quick dry...of course its not the most ideal way to dry your bud lol but it is the best way to quick dry bud. About a week before harvest..and only if Im out of bud I snip a bottom popcorn bud and quick dry it in my 55W 2700K cfl bulb and like the OP takes about an hour. The taste is smells like fresh cucumbers but it gets you ripped. I don't understand why some of you idiots even post...maybe it makes you feel better to be so negative? Do yourselves a favor...smoke a joint and move on!
Yea man! And please, if I may, insist a 5000 or 5500k bulb at only 23 watts, you can put it in an upright table lamp and set it right on the top coils. Use the daylight kind! Try it out. Take the bud off after an hour, let it sit a few minutes - if it gets crispier, it's done, if it gets wetter, a little more time on the bulb!

This way mine tastes like weed, it really does. It burns well, and I have been just amazed at the results. It does dry fluffier if you go too long. Sticky, smelly, the longer I wait after drying, the more weed smell, especially when broken open (directly into the bowl, I recommend).

I took some acorn sized buds, it has not let me down. Other methods work, but they do not get me as high, they do taste like hay or vegetables, but this way actually doesn't.

I just hope everyone will give it a try.

If I leave it too long it has a rich thick taste like "the yellow-green low-cost stuff that actually gets to ripped but tastes old"

It is doing something different than just heat, for sure. It's not just the heat, I think it's the light as well, or if it's the heat, it's heating in just the right way, not achieved in other way.

If I leave it just long enough, it comes off slightly still wet, cools within seconds, and gets a little crisp. It changes to the desired color!! Not too green, like with microwave. Not darkened green like toaster.

Please all, give it a try. I hate waiting so long to taste it.

Also, a desired SUGAR taste! Maybe it's not good for me? I like it though lol.


Active Member
U fail homie.

If you gotta speed dry your crop, I bet you were in just as much of a rush to pick it.

Drying with a CFL? lol

This thread shows that you are one of those people that won't admit when they put a bad idea out there.

I bet your bud could go a little longer as well as dry a little slower. But you're not going to admit it.

And you can crush up any weed and it smell decent. When the terpenes are crushed they release the sweet scent. Having that smell when uncrushed is a whole new game, and involves curing. Which u clearly don't understand.

The fact that you have rambled on trying to justify using a cfl to dry a nug, simply proves a point.

You are not a Connoisseur on a level like many of us here.

And I don't mean to sound like a butt. But seriously Brian you rant as if there is not wrong in your theories. When in reality is sounds like not such a good idea.

I had friends moisten up crappy mexican brick bud with lettuce. It sounded like a great idea to me at the time too. Yet looking back, I don't think I want to tell anyone now.


Active Member
Mr. Azryda,
Hows it going Buba, I don't get bustin this guys chops. Probabley a younger dude , maybe not. You said it yourself, you did some unusual tactics when you was younger. Ssso why is it not o.k. for this guy to smoke some quick Herb off is gal friends, if he chooses. "You are not a Connoisseur on a level like many of us here." Wow I didn't realize I was on such a ELITE site....I've learned alot on this site and this is not to say, I don't appreciate yours and other folks EXPERTISE becuase I really do.
Call me crazy but I just don't get the, Downer vibe on a supposley laid back pot smoking and growing forum.
p.s. Im drinking 101 turkey at the momment and perhaps thats why the Kumbyya.:???:


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm with you if it works it works people can either do it or not but there's no point in arguing about it.


Well-Known Member
another way that works well..if you can do it without it being seen is this. make sure it is a hot sunny day, make sure the light is blaring through the back window of your car..put tin foil shiny side up behind the back seats right next to the back window and lay your buds out. Rotate them every hour or so and within 6 hours they are dry and ready to smoke. And btw...Im sure even the novice knows how to properly dry and cure bud so it is of optimal quality. If that was the name of the thread we would be talking about that lol. Why some of you prefer to rant other than move on is beyond me. Some folks run into days with no bud, no bud in the near future etc. and its nice to know the quickest most reliable way to quick dry a bottom nug. I mean...whats the harm? Popcorn will be used for hash or last resort anyway. We are not talking about drying out colas here! lol.


Well-Known Member
IDK brian...if you don't have the patience to wait for a proper dry/cure then mb you should try growing something other than cannabis.
growing beautiful tasty dank is not for the impatient.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I would rather wait a while for it to dry and cure well, than have an immediate, but bad smoke of harshly dried stuff.


Well-Known Member
some of y'all are really stuck up ur asses or straight up trollers , the thread's title says : "best QUICK way", which makes anyone talking about how it is better to "wait it out" and other crap like that an absolute ball breaker ! there is a zillion possible scenarios as to why u'd wanna have ur bud dry asap, dont always assume things are happening to others the way they are in ur bubbles .

edit: Brian, when you say put the bud on it, how do u do that exactly ? also I know that when in direct contact 23watters actually burn the plants , how about just lowering a hanging cfl super very very closely to the bud but not touching it.


Well-Known Member
I take a bottom bud, and clear the small stem up to the top..which is the only useful part of a bottom bud if the plant isnt ready yet....and run the stem in between the coils of the cfl and it hangs suspended in the middle of the light. If it touches no big deal. It dries so fast that you really don't have to worry about it burning. As for the trolls...they are better off ignored. We know how to dry and properly cure bud. Sometimes fast drying a bud when your jonesin for some stress relief is the only option when your out. Sometimes shit happens and you have to tear everything down in an instant and get shit dry really fast. Your objections to this thread are pointless.


Well-Known Member
some of y'all are really stuck up ur asses or straight up trollers , the thread's title says : "best QUICK way", which makes anyone talking about how it is better to "wait it out" and other crap like that an absolute ball breaker ! there is a zillion possible scenarios as to why u'd wanna have ur bud dry asap, dont always assume things are happening to others the way they are in ur bubbles .

edit: Brian, when you say put the bud on it, how do u do that exactly ? also I know that when in direct contact 23watters actually burn the plants , how about just lowering a hanging cfl super very very closely to the bud but not touching it.
There is no BEST when doing it fast. So the only real answer is what ever drys it by the time it's wanted to smoke. Hell I put mis cuts in the window and smoke some in a few hours.