Aerate water for soil feeds

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
I heard getting an aquarium style bubbler for my water and feeds for soil. Leave water out over 24 hours and lose some chlorine but then also lose oxygen in water. Will leaving a bubbler in the whole time help with this ?


Well-Known Member
In soil, oxygenation isnt an issue the same way it is in hydro.

Its good to leave the water sit to get rid of the chlorine, but oxygen levels will not go down to any degree you need to worry about.

When the water gets into the soil, assuming you are not over watering, it gets spread out over the surface of countless small particles in very thin layers. Thin layers of water will reach 100% dissolved oxygen (DO) very very quickly - even if they start out at a low DO. Thicker layers of water are slooooow to reach 100% DO.

BUT - the key is to have soil with lots of air spaces in it. Thats why its recommended that you add 20% -40% perlite or vermiculite to most soil mixes - so they can breath better.

Both of those increase the air spaces in soil and allow for much better aeration. That and dont over water. Too much water forces the air out of the soil - which means less aeration - which is bad.

This is also why fabric pots or air pots are good - better oxygenation of the soil.


Well-Known Member
I gave up on soil several years ago, and only grow using aeroponics now, but even back then I did not need to leave my water sit. My water comes from a community well and has no chlorine in it. Other than having moderately high calcium hardness (makes PH control a littler more difficult) my water is pretty good.

Not trying top chace you out, but if you are growing in soil, there are other sections on this forum dedicated to soil growing. This is the hydro section ;)

Most of us started out growing in soil, so we all probably have some experience with soil, but you might get better, or more up to date advice in one of those sections.