Aero Cloner problems


Well-Known Member
Anyone run a uv sterilizer in their aerocloner? I've been using a cloner for over a year with great results. But in the last 3 months I have lost 3 large batches of clones. I used to get 99.9% success with the cloner. I used to throw away clones cuz I had too many. And now I can't even get 1 out of 60 to root. I've clean my cloner with strong bleach, I've used 35% h2o2 to clean it. Then took the pump apart and cleaned it. Still my clones die. Ive read forum after forum to see what I can do. Do you think a uv sterilizer will help with my roots damping off? I get hollow stems then fall apart when touched. Can some one help me please. Sorry for the rant.


Well-Known Member
Once you get damping off disease it's hard to get rid of. The microscopic spores get trapped in all the little fittings and such.

Get rid of all your infected plants. Try cleaning everything twice, with more bleach than you think you need. The ad some bleach to the water and let if run for a day or two. Make sure you rinse everything well before you put any plants back in.

Watch your water temps. You want to keep the water below 68 degrees or you will get the funk. Running a 1min. on-4min. off timer will keep your water a lot cooler than 24/7.