Aero cloning help needed *pics inside*

I am on day 5 of my second attempt at aero cloning. The first one faile dmiserably and I got a 0% success rate. This time seems to be going better but I have a few plants that look llike they are going black or a dark rusty color.

The ph has been around 6.0 the entire time I have done water change PPM is 80 or below. I really need to figure out why I am not having any luck. This is really messing everything up.

If you will need more details I have been taking notes and pics from day one to today which is day 5.

I do not see positive signs of roots yet either.



Well-Known Member
Try to keep your pH at 5.8.

Are you using any rooting hormone?
Do you mist? How often?
Do you feather the stem?
Is your water between 55 and 65 F?
Try to keep your pH at 5.8.

Are you using any rooting hormone?
Do you mist? How often?
Do you feather the stem?
Is your water between 55 and 65 F?

I have seen to many differences on opinion on temps so havent been sure what to keep mine at. the first few days I did have rooting hormone in the water after water change yesterday there is nothing but ph'd water in there. its a misting system and have been doing 24hrs. cause again that seemed to be the results people had best results with.

I just need to know an actual correct way to do this. tired of wasting so many clones.

can you explain feathering to me please not sure what you mean by that

also for some reason my ph fluctuates a bunch at first then stablizes

Feel free to ask me anything you need to know because i would like to figure this out.
Here is my day to day journal of everthing since I started I can post more pics if needed as well.

Day 1
took babies from headBand and strawberryCough. Majority came from HB. Water had small amount of power clone added to 10 gallons of water as well as hydroPerox. Water was Ph'd to 5.0 by night had fallen to 5.5 roughly. Water temp stayed close to a consistant 78degrees. no signs of wilting or any stresses by end of day.

Beginning of day PH End of day PH
5.0 5.7

Beginning of day TEMP End of day TEMP
78 78

Day 2

water temp was roughly 78 in the am when i first checked and the ph was roughly 5.7. all babies look healthy and not showing any signs of stress there was one from the strawberryCough that had some yellowing in the middle but I am not sure if it was there in the middle and its not anything at this point I am concerned with. Probably nothing. by the end of the day the waters ph had risen to 6.2 i added a little more ph down to before going to bed ph was roughly 6.0. water temp when last checked was roughly 82 i added a fresh ice bottle to the rez and opened the windows for the night in the room. water was 80 when last checked before leaving room which was only within 10 min of first checking temp so water should be down to 78 or less by morning easily. no signs of any root bumps or anything but not expecting. Depending on how much the ph jumps in the morning I may change the water again on day3. More than likely will just wait until day 5 to do the first water change in the rez.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pump ran basically 24/7 today except for 2 quick checks and 2 times i turned off and left off roughly 15 -20 min because I forgot I umplugged the pump!!!!!!!

Begining of day PH End of day PH

5.7 6.0

Begining of day TEMP End of day Temp
78 80


I added more PH down today to get down in mid 5's added a touch to much and was all the way down to 5.2 for a little while. ended mid 5 by 1am. will do full water change tomorrow towards end of day. sort of looks like i have a few nubs starting but not fully sure as of yet. Probably will know for sure in a few more days or so. Will try and maintian a PH of 6.0 from here on out unless I see a major change in the am or by water change. I havent lost any and only one had some signs of distress but I am not thinking its not anything maybe some stress or just was a little over ferted while still on mom. We will see the one plant has pics labled badPlant[0-3]. fingers crossed its nothing. so far things are looking good. Seems semi similar to the results I had on first try with this style cloner. Only major things different I have noticed is no foul smell from tub all plants still look the same and looks like root nubs on some already. and havent noticed any yellowing.


Beginning PH 10am End of day PH 1246am
6.0 5.4

Beginning TEMP End of day TEMP
68 76

Beginning PPM End of day PPM
70 80

no real big changes except a few more have the same ends as the one that looked the worse yesterday. Stems still feel firm not mushy nothing is getting yellow. the one that i thought was getting yellow does not appear to be really yellow just a lighter green i guess you would call it. Today that one that i thought was yellow opened up more and seems to be looking more normal. I am still not sure if i can say i see some some root tips on some as of yet. i think i do but as i have not tried this method and had succesful results not sure what the beginnings look like. i am use to rockwool where you only see the ends that come out of the cube. hard to take good pics of the stems below the lid due to only having cell. temp got to ver 84 today in res put in ice in a container and droped to 64 in like 15 min. pulled out immediatley temp ended at 69. PPM never did anything today. ended up not doing water change but will for surely do water change tomorrow and will just be water that has ONLY be ph'd.


did water change today and just used straight water and ph'd it. today there are more that have kind of a rusty type look to them. had a had time getting ph to stay down after water change. Not sure whats up with that but had to put in more than norm to drop it finally to 5.7 .. Still no positive signs of roots things look like there could be roots but I dont know. tomorrow there will be no opening the lid unless absolutley neccesary. Starting to loose faith in this as a technique for cloning that will work for me. But I have read some end up not getting root sprouts until roughly day 11 or 12. Not sure whats going on will probably do another water change around day 8 hoep this damn thing works!!!



Beginning PH before PH AFTER PH End of day PH
6.0 6.6 6.0 5.7

80 30 40 40

76 76 76 82

Today is day 6 hope this helps out more. Also the brand of clone solution i used was powerclone at about hald strength
Wow well atleast one person could take the time to give me some insite.

Come on no one else has any clues hints or ideas as to what the heck is going on with my clones?


Hi! I use a DIY aero cloner too. I bought that knee pad you used for plugs as well. With that, I have also had a 0% success rate. However, when I plug Rockwool cubes in the holes instead, I've had a 100% success rate! I've found they root the fastest when the bottom is always wet and the top of the cube is damp/dry.

I dont soak the cubes for more than a few minutes in distilled water. I use distilled water only in the bubbler. I use a rooting hormone on the stem and a spray of Serenade (bacillus subtillus) in the hole of the RW to prevent damping off.


Listen man Aero cloning is all so very simple, there is no need for checking the PH or adding any cloning solution or any other nutrients. First of all, the main reason a clone needs to grow roots is to find nutrients. If there are nutrients in your res then the clone will not be in that much of a rush to pop roots because some nutrients are being absorbed through the stem. You need to tell that little bitch clone that if he wants some food, hes going to have to be a fucking man (hopefully not) and pop some roots before you give him any. This is the reason why PH should not be an issue because no nutrients are going to be absorbed, therefore nutrient lockout cannot happen, therefore there is no reason to worry about your PH. Dont run your mister 24/7, run it at 1 minute on 5 minutes off (or somewhere in that ballpark) and you should pop roots in as little as 4 days as long as a month but dont worry, THEY ALL POP EVENTUALLY.
Hope this helps bro...
KingDrizzz signing out.....