Aero Garden Help


Well-Known Member
Well First i'am going to get rid of both plant and start all over agin. I will go back to the origenal setting. Herb and baisal. I already started to germinate my seeds in a small jar of water with nutrients. Kept in a dark place. I'am going to still order me some haze and white window seeds. And that will be for my next grow. These seeds may take too long to get here. I don't want to waste any more time.


Well-Known Member
Change of plans. I've already order some white widow seeds. And now i'am just waiting for them to arrive. I mite just wait for them to start my next grow. I Don't know yet what i will do with those seeds in the jar. Somebody told me it's take about 5 to 10 days. For him it was 5. So i order from the same place. I will start a new tread from start to finish.


Well-Known Member
i got my aerogarden 6 days ago and have a great collection of about 10 sprouts/plants. do a search on the aerogarden and read everything technique wrote about his two grows. there are a lot of people out there using the ag, and most seem succesful!!!

good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
I'l be curious to see how much bud you get. I had to remove two males from my AG so I'm left with one plant. Interestingly enough it was the plant that originally had the most trouble with the original AG nutrients. It recovered when I went to Fox Farm & turned out to be my only female.
Here she is at 49 days. You can also see her shriviled lower leaves on the left at 24 days.
My best plant, by far , turned out to be a male. Damn.
Thanks for all of you that gave such good advice
Peace, O2
How long does it take for them to actually grow up above the top of the aerogarden. I cracked them first in a cup of water.

Thank you