Aeroflo 30 - sort of in a mess, opinions please.


Active Member
Hey all, I have an aeroflo 30 it is my first aero/hydro system. I didnt have the manifold when I bought it so I just hooked up one 10 site tube with a hose from the pump to the tube. Then I figured I would just add another 10 site tube every 2 weeks and build a manifold as I go.

Well I got two up and running then relized that plan sucks due to the differences in nutrient strengths in the flowering cycles. So now I have 2 chambers full and doing well but dont know what I am going to do when it comes near harvest time of the first chamber. Since it is only 2 weeks difference I figure I will just flush the first chamber when the time comes and let the 2nd ride it out.

I also have a problem with the 2nd chamber plants stretching a bit but I guess I am going to let them ride it out and chalk it up as experience, I was considering building a screen to hold them both out to the sides but that seems like I might do more damage then good.

I have a 600watt light over it and am wondering if that will be good enough or would I be way better off getting a light mover?? Anyone else have this system that could tell me if the 600watt will be good enough or should I defitanly get a light mover??

I guess I got a little over eager to start using it now I feel like I have a mess with 2 different strains and the light heats up a bit to much for my liking, would a mover help with that or should I look into both a new hood with a cool tube and a light mover?

Gahhh I guess I am asking what would you do to get this all on track, the plants are healthy as hell and I know I am losing light so I am building a partition in the near future.

Any suggestions to improve things would be greatly appreciated. This is my first aero/hydro grow so I know I have alot to learn and improve.

when those guys get further in to the veg/flower they will be fighting for room. i was looking at that system when i first started out but ended up making a dwc system instead.
I think you need at least 2-3 more 600's for all those plants.


Well-Known Member
you could do that area with one 600, but more is always better,.. well imo not more necessarily, but more light sources, or move the one you have around. as for cooling it, id get a ducting and a fan inline, at least get the heat away from the plants before you let it out to warm the surrounding air. they look green though, good job with that ;)