Aeroflo/Rainforest/Waterfarm grow idea, suggestions please.


Hey all, I hope to start growing using primarily hydro/aero method and would like to bounce my ideas off of you. I have only done outside grows so this will be a big change and I acknowledge that:
a. This is a somewhat unnecessarily complicated setup.
b. May be a bit much for a first timer.
c. Can be made somewhat easily and certainly cheaper with parts from the hardware and home and garden stores.

Here are my plans:

I have a dedicated room that is big enough to house two grow tents, one of which will be for mothers/clones (veg), and the other for flowering. I plan on using a 1000w HPS over an Aeroflo2 36 site for flowering and a 400w MH over a Waterfarm (mother) and a Rainforest (clones/seedlings) for vegging. Using GH nutes (flora series), was considering using Lucas but might try formula as prescribed on GH website (basic recirculating program) first go around. Plan on keeping water temp around 65 degrees with water chiller, PH around 5.8.

Shopping Cart from

Veg Room:

GH WaterFarm (For mother)
GH RainForest 236 or 318 Modular (clones) with Rapid Rooter Tray - w/50 plugs
400 MH Super Sun 2
400W Lumatek Digital Ballast -120/240V
400 MH Hortilux-Blue - 29,000 lumens
GrowLab GL120 w/ Accessory Kit

Flower Room:

GH AeroFlo2 - 36 sites
1000 HPS Super Sun 2
1000W Lumatek Digital Ballast - 120/240V
1000 HPS Hortilux Bulb - 145,000 lumens
GrowLab GL145 w/ Accessory Kit
Compact Water Chiller - 1/10 HP with EcoPlus Submersible Water Pump - 264gph
Stealth-RO100 Reverse Osmosis System


Clearex - Salt Leaching Sol. - gallon
G.H. Flora Grow - 2.5 gallon
G.H. Flora Bloom - 2.5 gallon
G.H. Flora Micro - 2.5 gallon
GH pH Down Dry - 1.5 lb
GH pH Down Up - 1.5 lb
Cal Mag Plus - gallon
FloraKleen – gallon
FloraShield - quart
Liquid KoolBloom - gallon
24" Flexible Air Stone
Hanna pH/EC/TDS/Temp Waterproof Pen

1.) Are there things that anyone would change, add or subtract?

2.) How do most people run their Aeroflo for optimum results?

“I run with the drain tubes all the way down, all the time. When it's done, the netpots and inserts go in the trash. No more soaking, flushing, soaking, putzing with hydroton!” –

“I ran the aeroflo with water in the tubes until roots are protruding out of the baskets then lower the level control tubes all the way aim the holes in the laser line straight across to break the stream of water into droplets.” -

I am confused. Can someone clear this up for me?

3.) When transferring from Rainforest to Aeroflo, will I have to pull untangle and separate roots?

4.) If the PPM goes up, can I just add more water?

5.) When doing res change, I assume that I drain the system completely and then add RO water, bubble the water for 30 minutes , then add Ph up , wait 30 minutes , and nutes, wait 30 minutes and take a reading. Is this correct?

6.) Should I purchase any extra filters or fittings for redundancy?

7.) For clones/seedlings would the Rainforest 318 with 3” holes be better than the 236 with 2” holes because it would make transferring to Aeroflo (3” holes) easier?

8.) Are rapid Rooters good for clones or could I just go straight into the Rainforest?

Thanks ya’ll.


I can only address 4 and 5, hopefully someone familiar wit the rest of your system can chime in. 4 - yes you can just add water, though some would say you should maybe drop your nute level on your next Res change. 5 - you don't need to wait, just insure that everything is mixed well before adding your next component - ie: mix micro well, add grow, mix well, add bloom, etc... Hope this helps some.