Aeroflo2 with Badboy Lights

Im using two 12 bulbers and it covers it perfectly, gives it about three inches of light further than the 1st and 10th netcup. The only thing that was annoying was its pretty hard to get them to hang pefectly together so i duct taped the together on th ends and they stlill tried to hang in the middle like a slight V shape so i had to take a v hanger for hps lights erc and hooked it where they meet and tied it to the ceiling pulling it ip. But as far as yeild ive heard 2 lbs for an af60 is average with 2 1000watt hps, so im looking to hit that mark or better. Well i figure 14 grams a plant in sog isnt bad multiply by 60 plants is 30 oz. So doesnt seem unrealistic.Plus i watched a soil 6 plant grow under two 12 bulb badboys that yeilded 25 oz. So with that in mind im also using 2 4 bukbers on sides as well so that should increase yield plus strip light down the middle plus im using aeroflo should do alil better, not to mention he vegged and had trees and we all know t5s arent best for penetration so sog should def be best for that type of lighting.
The good thing about t5s is the low electricity and better light spread but about the same in setup cost. So you gota take those to your advantage if i can use lets say 2000 watts in T5s and produce better yeild then 2000watts hps then its a winner cuz with my 2 12 bulbers and two 4 bulbers im only at 1700 watts roughly so if that equals 2000 watt hps yeild im happy thats better in my eyes: less electricity, better overall spread (hps growers will argue get a light mover but thats more electricity money and not a constant light spread ), no heat issues (better colas), hps loses lumens at distances u need to keep them so g5s less lumen loss, no need for res chiller (saves money on chiller and electricity), no need for inline fan for cooltubes(saves money on fan and electricity). So even if i add two more 4 bulbers thats 2100 watts and still less money less problems. plus when i add co2 and get dverything tweeked im looking to hit 3 to 4 lb mark.
just a note:
Room temps at night 75
Room temps at day peek 83
res ppms big plants 950ish
res ppms small plan
ts 600ish
ph big res 5.8
ph small res 6.0
i kinda wonder wat would happen if u dipped clonenes that are already rooting, take those roots and dip them in clonex?
idk just a thought. but the faster the roots develop the sooner more energy can go to plant growth so possible idea that they could reach bigger height alot sooner maybe even begin bud development sooner idk just random wondering
They sell some stuff called Roots Excelurator.........I never used it but I have heard good reviews about it....just kinda expensive

Product Description

This ultra-concentrated(1.1 ml per gallon) root stimulator ensures the explosive growth of the roots and rids the plant of brown roots, root sickness and mold. House & Garden Roots Excelurator is packaged in a light-proof aluminum container with a sealed lid to guarantee that the product stays fresh. Roots Excelurator is a must-have for every successful grower.

that Roots Excelurator works very very well and you only have to use 1ml per gal. i use it all the time..its a bit pricey but worth every penny IMO, it whould kick ass in your areo system.
Everything seems to be going good so far the first plants are about 10 inches tall already pretty bushy the eight that went in a week later about 6 inches all the clones about 2 3 inches they look a little shabby at the moment cuz ive been doing trimming of old leaves and such only two died but i have 8 replacements waiting so i got 5 cups that need filled ill prolly get those in this weekend i think ill put up pics friday so everyone can check em out
Things are lookin good so far theyre gettin big fast. I love my hygro thermometer best 20$ i ever spent lol plus it comes with a extension type cord w a sensor on it that i keep placed on the top of the highest plant to see what the temps there are they been about 80 which is pretty good to me. um clones are doing good big clones already show pistils so were not far off from the good part. Ill do pics this weekend.
i was gona put some up but i figured do weekly so people can see the big difference but as things look im gona have 1 ft tall plants im hoping to yeil 14 grams a plant minimum and hopefully maybe get lucjy at 20 grams a plant lets all keep our fingers crossed