AeroGarden 3 Elite

Hi everyone!

I am planning to start growing in the AeroGarden 3 (small one) and I need some advice from experienced AeroGarden growers.

First of all, AeroGarden 3 may seem to be small, however I am planning to grow 1 plant at a time due to space restrictions.

But I am not quite sure whether the roots will fit into the growing bowl (W20 x D27 cm) and will the plant feel comfortable in such a small space.

Another confusing factor is the hight of the plant. Thought the lights of AeroGarden 3 can be lifted up to 50 cm, will I still have to LST or SOG my strains, as I am planning on growing Bubblelicious or BubaKush as they tend to be quite high.

Maybe I got it wrong, but if to shorten the vegetation period and induce flowering earlier ( as the plant triples in hight) will it help in reduction of hight and still produce a sufficient yield...?

Check attachments to get a better understanding of AeroGarden 3...




Well-Known Member
you can fit one big one or 2 lil ones in der. i say top the plants if u dnt want them 2 b tall. u have 2 veg for at lease a month b4 u flower. cutting it short will stunt ur babies.